February 12th, 2025

Letter: A $100 slap in the face

By Letter to the Editor on September 8, 2021.

Dear editor,

Thank you Mr. Kenney for the slap in the face, those of us who helped you out by getting our COVID shots get a slap in the face while those who defied you by not getting them are getting a reward for it. I for one will remember this at the next election.

Frank Ruppert


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

It is nothing more than a desperate attempt to buy votes from ignorant Albertans. The intelligent way to handle it would have been to fine them instead of bribing them.
The $20 million could have been used to pay doctors, nurses, and teachers, for what they have been through by his stupid handling of this pandemic, instead of cutting their wages.
Friends in Ontario are even saying Reformer Doug Ford has been a lot smarter than Kenney when it comes to the pandemic. .
Lets face it the guy just isn’t very smart and does not deserve to be premier. We know Peter Lougheed would have handled things a lot differently. .