February 13th, 2025

Letter: Moore not a credible source on climate science

By Letter to the Editor on August 7, 2021.

In response to Viewpoint: Probing climate change worthwhile, even if ‘science is settled,’ published in the Aug. 5 edition of the News

Dear editor,

Larry Samcoe will have to do better than to cite discredited authors such as Patrick Moore on the issue of climate change.

People like Moore (and Samcoe) are behind the times. Even energy companies acknowledge the problem, they just try to say that it’s up to individuals to solve it rather than the big CO2 producers.

There is a recent article from The Tyee by Shawn Holman, Professor of Journalism at Mount Royal University,(thetyee.ca/Analysis/2021/06/04/Fact-Checking-Patrick-Moore-Climate-Skeptic) that picks apart Moore’s arguments. Holman shows that the researchers Moore cites say he gets their work wrong.

Moore is not only wrong on much of what he writes about but, when called on it, he acknowledges the error(s) but fails to retract his statements. This is just deceitful.

No one says carbon is not the basis of life or that CO2 is not necessary. It’s how much is in the atmosphere, how quickly it’s increasing, the problems the increase causes and what’s causing the increase.

Mr. Samcoe’s arguments are old and tired. The most up to date report from the IPCC is due any day and will likely be very telling as to what we are facing. Rather than stay in denial, Mr. Samcoe would do better to find out how to be part of the solution. We can create new jobs and move toward solutions that will benefit us all.

Read Seth Klein’s “A Good War” or Michael Mann’s “The New Climate War.” They are both very positive and lay out the problems and what can be done.

Other solutions include changing from industrial agriculture to agroecology, which can actually heal the planet, grow more local food and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The solutions are in front of us, but denial prevents us from moving forward.

David Condon

Medicine Hat

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Lynn Thacker
Lynn Thacker
3 years ago

Dear editor,
It’s not surprising that the well written and documented letter by Larry Samcoe recently would stir up the crowd that never wants their climate nightmares questioned. The commenter is obviously basing his arguments on mass-media claptrap which simply parrots the climate catastrophe industry.
It’s quite humourous to see Michael Mann used to support any climate argument. Mann has absolutely no credibility in the science community since being exposed(by two Canadian scientists) for his fraudulent “hockey stick” graph that even the IPCC had to remove from their skewed reports. Mann was also at the centre of the “climate-gate” scandal when he and a few fellow travellers were caught hiding scientific evidence from other scientists in order to promote their agenda. If I were trying to promote the climate catastrophe hoax I would stay as far away as I could from Michael Mann and his ilk.
It’s really surprising that after decades of failed forecasts of doom that so many believers,without inquiry or skepticism, accept everything the climate industry feeds them.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Thacker

So while Lynn Thacker , being the genius he thinks he is , ignores these massive storms destroying the world and peoples lives, and doesn’t give a damn about our highly respected farmers and ranchers who are going through hell because of this drought and we watch our friends and relatives in B.C being forced from their homes because of forest fires, he tries to pretend that global warming has nothing to do with it. How stupid does he think we are who don’t support this stupidity?

Sadly we have found that many of our fellow seniors are also believing every lie Jason Kenney feeds them.They pretend they are conservatives but ignore the fact that Kenney has never been a conservative, a Liberal turned Reformer.

As my senior friends and I keep asking ourselves “ Why are so many of our fellow seniors so stupid” yet retired police officers in our circle of friends point out “ These seniors aren’t any smarter than the ones who have allowed con-artists to steal their life savings. They give all seniors a very bad name because of their stupidity. They are extremely easy to fool.”

I can assure Thacker that the seniors in my world aren’t dumb enough to share his brand of stupidity and we don’t see young Albertans doing it either. So maybe he should keep his stupid comments to himself instead of giving us all a bad name.

I have had young Albertans ask me if I was one of the stupid seniors who elected Jason Kenney because apparently their grandparents did.

Lynn Thacker
Lynn Thacker
3 years ago

Although I have seen this “Fedup Conservative” commenting in the News for a few years, I’ve always felt that his arguments, should I say tantrums, have been so weak, bitter and disorganized that he was to be pitied and never gave him any more thought. As with other issues, he appears to have no understanding of science or the sinister politics of climate change. Enough said.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Thacker

Maybe you would like to explain how it’s tantrums when it’s hard cold true facts, and lawyers, accountants, oilmen and bankers in my world agree with them, just like the MLAs I knew from Lougheed era did also? Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles.

The big question my senior friends and I have is why are so many of our fellow seniors totally ignorant of these facts when the internet is full of them that you have chosen to deny. It certainly doesn’t make you look very smart, does it. The young Albertans aren’t this stupid and tell us they are going to make certain Jason Kenney doesn’t get re elected.

3 years ago

Give up Thacker, if you haven’t figured out yet that Fed Up is completely bonkers I feel for you. Careful though, he may drag you into court to prove that you are lying with one of his invisible lawyer friends after he arrests you with another invisible police officer friend. He’s completely lost it these last couple of years.

Last edited 3 years ago by yomouse