February 16th, 2025

Letter: Stampede put on quite the Canada Day show

By Letter to the Editor on July 6, 2021.

Dear editor,

A heartfelt thank-you to the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede for organizing such wonderful Canada Day events and an excellent fireworks display.

After a challenging season for all, it was such a gift to show up on Canada Day to the sound of local, live music and experience the different activities provided. I can appreciate that Canada Day is certainly not an easy event to organize in the best of times, let alone a heat wave, fire ban and the uncertainty about COVID restrictions. In spite of all the challenges, it was wonderful to see an event where Hatters could come together and witness the smiles on many of their faces for what turned out to be a truly memorable day with family and friends.

I for one hope they keep doing the fireworks at the Stampede grounds … such a great venue for the family (and our community) to see fireworks on Canada Day again. Again, a big thank-you to all involved. Your vision and hard work is appreciated. Looking forward to Canada Day 2022.

Scott Raible

Medicine Hat

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