February 6th, 2025

Letter: Dear Mr. Kenney… we’ve noticed

By Letter to the Editor on June 17, 2021.

Dear editor,

Recently, a roof-top gathering of ministers – certainly not of the same household – met with Premier Kenney atop Alberta’s ‘sky palace’ for drinks.

It seemed like a safe secret place. Alas, a snoopy photographer with a long lens shared his photos with the media. Another public stumble by our benighted chief – the rule-maker but not necessarily the rule keeper.

Five days of denials led to a belated ‘apology’. Rest assured it wasn’t his decision. He was browbeaten into it by his caucus afraid of a further drop in popularity. That, in a nutshell, defines the premiership of Jason Kenney.

But true to form, right after the ‘apology,’ he announced a new initiative – a referendum on equalization payments!. See the shiny new thing for all of us to get angry about! A referendum won’t do anything. It’s just another slug of Kenney Snake Oil for the malcontents on the far right.

The last few months revealed a series of awkward missteps as our leader hesitated, overreacted, reacted and finally, succumbed to reason. His style is a clumsy waltz – a twirl here and there followed by some serious stomping on the toes of a sacrificial group; doctors, nurses and teachers.

Who’s next? Could it be all of us?

Mr. Kenney thought he could move mountains. The Eastern Slopes, source of our drinking water, one of our national attractions and our fragile ecological treasure, was quietly opened up to coal mining companies. He’d remove only the tops of mountains, hoping no one would notice.

We noticed. And screamed.

We’ve also noticed the premature birth of one of the worst curricula ever, an insult not only to parents and teachers, but to children. It is a document bereft of an overall plan, a guiding philosophy, or age-appropriate developmental steps. Rather than a curriculum, it is a shallow dive into Wikipedia and a muddy dip into the wisdom of the education system of the State of Virginia.

People of Alberta have noticed. Mr. Kenney is a straw man smouldering. We anxiously wait (some of us in anticipation of self-immolation) while he continues to battle the fires all around him.

Peter Mueller

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Pathetic NDP, grasping at straws again. That meal and business meeting sure put you all into a meltdown! The Notley government was a complete failure, just like your bid for office. Give it a rest already.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  Leftocrites

Maybe you would like to provide us with a list of why Notley was a complete failure when people are saying they would support the NDP again in a heart beat, or aren’t you listening?

Would you be able to prove it in court? Lawyers have said you can’t she was just trying to fix the mess she inherited.

Have you bothered to talk to any lawyers, accountants, oilmen, bankers, or former MLAs from the Lougheed like we have who said she was on the right track by increasing corporate taxes and royalties back up to the Lougheed levels. It’s the only way to get us out of this mess or do you enjoy being treated like a moron?
It’s obvious that you have believed the lies this phony conservative Jason Kenney has fed you without bothering to do any research and are one of these seniors who are easy to fool like the retired police officers talk about. Can you prove you aren’t?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Those of us who proudly supported the Conservatives under Lougheed and Getty certainly agree with Peter. These phony conservatives are nothing like them.
But then what would you expect from a well known Liberal, turned Reformer who doesn’t give a damn about Conservatives or how they are treated. They only care about looking after themselves and their rich friends.
They prove it by slashing royalties to benefit their rich friends while cutting health care and education jobs, putting peoples lives at risk and creating a nightmare for teachers and a lot more unemployment.
It was Ralph Klein who years ago accused Kenney of spreading lies, and stealing from seniors and he is still doing it. Slashing taxes will put a huge burden on our seniors property taxes, our towns and cities will have no choice.