February 7th, 2025

Letter: Barnes a man of too few words

By Letter to the Editor on May 29, 2021.

Dear editor,

In response to Mr. Ron Noel’s May 25 letter to the editor.

The second issue raised by Mr. Noel was a lack of response to letters on the part of his M.L.A., Mr. Drew Barnes. I have had the same experience.

I wrote to Mr. Barnes on April 30, 2019. In my letter I asked for information on the “war room” promised by Mr. Kenney in the 2019 election campaign. I also asked for information on four lawsuits the Alberta government was then either involved in or had promised to begin. No reply was received. After that letter, I wrote and either sent or delivered to the constituency office six follow-up letters, including the last one dated March 9, 2020, for a total of seven letters of request over about 10 months. A reply to my seven letters was received later in March, 2020, but not from Mr. Barnes. It was from an office assistant of his. It was dated March 16, 2020.

The letter from the assistant stated the names of a few organizations allegedly spreading misinformation about the oil and gas industry. It reiterated earlier claims made by the UCP that misinformation was being spread. It gave me no information about the organizations, such as their locales, addresses and members, except to tell me that some of the organizations were “American.” I received no information which proved the “misinformation” was wrong, except for a reference to a “… study done by the B.C. government …” which the letter said was based on “… solid science ….”

I wrote and sent to Mr. Barnes two more letters, dated March 24 and May 26, 2020. They essentially restated my original two requests, in detail, as contained in my original letter of April 30, 2019. No further response of any kind has been received to date. No information of any kind has been sent to me about the four lawsuits.

I guess Mr. Barnes is very, very busy making us stronger, freer and richer. Maybe those Reformers/Wildrosers are on to something with their long-desired right to recall elected officials.

Gregory R. Cote


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

It isn’t hard to understand that these Reformers have no interest in supporting or protect Albertans. As former MLAs from the Lougheed era taught me They are only interested in looking after their own well-being and that of their rich friends, blaming others and spreading lies is what they do best. Watching them deliberately try to destroy what Lougheed created is sickening.
What is so upsetting to my true conservative friends and I is the fact that our beloved conservative parties have been dumb enough to allow these reformers to get control of their parties and treat their constituents like morons, yet we still hear some of our fellow seniors making up idiotic excuses to try to defend their stupidity.
Gregory is not alone we are hearing that many Albertans are being ignored, even ones who worked as volunteers for them as Ron has pointed out. The fact is they fooled a lot of people and had they bothered to research Kenneys background they would have realized he was not a good choice for Premier and neither was the Ralph Klein I had known personally.
Ironically even Klein accused Kenney of spreading lies and stealing from seniors, years ago, and he is still doing it. While he continues to giveaway billions in royalties and taxes senior property owners will have to foot the bill, especially ones effected by the Orphan Well Mess, whose retirement plans have been destroyed. They can’t sell their land and enjoy their retirement like the rest of us are doing.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t reply to you crackpots either. Sounds like you’re borderline stalking. Write to Fed Up, he’s lonely and still thinks it’s 1970.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

I bet Kenney is thrilled that he has at least one supporter in Medicine hat out of a population of 63,000 . yomouse can’t stand to hear the truth his mixed up mind can’t handle it. He isn’t man enough.
He claims we are all crackpots. But don’t stop it’s wonderful watching you make a fool of yourself it gives us something to laugh about. I think we know who the crackpot is, don’t we?

3 years ago

I really can’t figure out why you keep calling me a Kenney supporter, farthest thing from it. I’ve mentioned it more than once, but of course your lack of comprehension of the simplest things isn’t a surprise. You can’t handle the fact it isn’t 1970 anymore, maybe the last time you were relevant.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

How stupid do you think we are? Every time we bad mouth your Liberal heroes Ralph Klein and Jason Kenney you wet your pants and hurl sarcastic comments at us.
It may not be 1970s but we are still paying for the mess Klein, Stelmach, Redford and Kenney is creating for us or hadn’t you noticed. It all started with Klein and his Reform Party Politics. Could you prove in court that it didn’t? Lawyers I have known know you can’t.
Where do you think the Orphan Wells Mess, that I was involved with prior to Klein changing the regulations to benefit his rich friends came from?
Could you prove in court that members of the Klein family didn’t try to help us vote him out to put a stop to what he was doing to us? I had know the family since the early 1960s and knew what a jerk Ralph was.
Maybe you should take a trip to Alaska and Norway, like I have, and see what their oil wealth is doing for them or keep your sarcastic comments to yourself before someone who has seen their life destroyed by the actions of these phony conservatives decides to sue you, what do you think?.

3 years ago

Can I prove in court that you’re an idiot? Exhibit A; your hundreds of letters written to the same papers day in and day out, saying the same thing, berating seniors and anyone else who isn’t a shill for the left. I get it, you get paid by the word. Here’s another news flash, all politicians get into politics to further their own personal agendas. Why would someone live in a place that’s so horrible unless they enjoy being a victim?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

Over the years Lawyers have taught me to keep rubbing your nose in. Keep pointing out the truth you will irritate these fools who can’t stand to hear the truth, they can’t handle it.

No one has ever asked you to read what I say but thanks for proving the lawyers were right.

3 years ago

A lawyer and a banker walk into a bar….., wait, who cares? They do, because they think they are smarter and more important than everyone else.