February 16th, 2025

Letter: What comes next is for Barnes to resign his seat in legislature

By Letter to the Editor on May 25, 2021.

Dear editor,

Mr. Barnes asks, what’s next?

First, let me respond that while he thanks those who have reached out to him with support, he has abandoned those of us who worked his campaign not just because he was “Drew Barnes” but because he represented the UCP and he encouraged all to vote for the UCP under Jason Kenney!

What about the thousands of Medicine Hatters who still support the UCP, Mr. Barnes? What’s next for them? Where is your apology to us for letting us down?

Secondly, as an Albertan and a Hatter, I supported you and worked at your campaign office. I have written you a couple of times since then on issues affecting the industry where I work and the only response received was a constituency office staff member telling me you’re too busy! Really?

Thirdly, what’s next for you, Mr. Barnes, is to resign your seat in the legislature in favour of a byelection, and let the good citizens of Cypress-Medicine Hat decide if they still want you to represent them!

You were elected as a member of the UCP and now that you are not, you do not have a legitimate claim to our seat in the legislature. Yes, it’s ours Mr. Barnes, not yours!

There is no “I” in team, Mr. Barnes. Resign!

Ron Noël, CD

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

My conservative friends and I would like to see all of them resign so we can vote Notley back in. She was a lot like Peter Lougheed and knew she had to get our taxes and royalties back up to the Lougheed levels if we are ever going to out of this mess.
Too bad Albertans thought she could fix in only four years what these phony conservatives created in twenty five.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Maurice certainly has it right. How can you feel sorry for anyone who let Jason Kenney make a fool of them. You didn’t need to be a genius to check out his background or the lies he was spinning before supporting him. He is only interested in living off taxpayers money and always has been even if it means changing parties to do so. There never has been anything conservative about him as my conservative friends will tell you.

A Liberal turned Reformer trying to pretend he is a Conservative while he slashes taxes for his rich friends and deliberately tries to destroy everything our Conservative hero Peter Lougheed created for us. Where is the intelligence in that?