February 13th, 2025

Letter: It’s time to get real

By Letter to the Editor on May 5, 2021.

Dear editor,

I am not familiar with whatever polling tool Drew Barnes used to come up with 90% of his constituents support his COVID anti-restriction stance; as one of his constituents, I do know I was never polled. And 100% of the people I polled also were not consulted by him.

So, I would like to make it clear to him that I do not support his dangerous position. Seems to me he is more interested in pandering to his base than keeping all of his constituents safe.

I am sitting at home watching what is going on internationally, nationally and locally and I am becoming increasingly concerned. Some of you may dismiss this as ‘being scared,’ but recognizing a threat to survival, and taking reasonable and scientifically proven mitigation measures is not the same as being ‘scared.’ Being your kind of brave, however, may be more reasonably compared to as ‘foolhardy.’

Any restaurant that stays open against health regulations, will not get my financial support with takeout or dine in, now or after this is over. I am not sure how such a place can even have valid insurance.

Parishioners of any church that operates against health regulations, better start asking themselves exactly what it is they are really worshipping and be honest about it, because it is not God or Jesus. Whether you believe COVID is real or not, we are ALL being inconvenienced by it. No matter your political affiliation, how devout you think you are, or how great your immune system is, COVID doesn’t care.

So wise up, grow up, be responsible, get vaccinated and let’s get this over with.

And finally, thank you to our health care workers, first responders, infrastructure, food plant, grocery and delivery people. YOU rock! The rest of us need to stop putting you at risk.

Wendy Reid

Medicine Hat

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Les Landry
Les Landry
3 years ago

Drew is not pandering to his base, he is using them for political pawns. The only thing Drew is concerned about is his revenue properties.
Only when his base sees that will they have to face the truth that Barnes has used them only for self-serving greed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Les Landry
Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Great comments by all of you. If Drew Barnes thinks putting saving businesses ahead of saving lives is the proper thing to do he is a damn fool.
Especially when there are programs in place to help businesses survive.The big question is are these businesses too lazy to apply for help and are their MLAs too lazy to help them?
Businesses in Edmonton tell us take out and curb side pickup is working fine which doesn’t” make Barnes look very smart. The disrespect he has shown our doctors and nurses just adds to his stupidity.

3 years ago

Drew Barnes is only interested in himself. He uses gullible fools to further his career. Sadly, Barnes rabble rousing rhetoric and consorting with extremists results in extra misery for us all. That idiot Barnes and his minions are prolonging the pandemic.