February 12th, 2025

Weekend Mailbag: March 6, 2021

By Letter to the Editor on March 6, 2021.

Weekend Mailbag is an online feature at the Medicine Hat News which includes letters to the editor that could not be fit into the paper in a timely fashion. Check out our website on Saturdays for more thoughts from the community, or share yours by submitting a letter to the editor by email at letters@medicinehatnews.com.


Many want regional approach

Dear editor,

People are frustrated and feeling misled by the government. I really wish the Alberta government, and mostly our premier, would look at a regional approach, much like they’ve done in Ontario.

A month ago there was a letter drafted in support of lightening restrictions for our area and the letter was supported by the city and county. Citizens are feeling ignored and condemned by higher numbers in the big cities and we are being penalized for it every day. Our restaurants, businesses, kids, gyms and kids sports want and need to get back to a somewhat normal routine. I am being told daily that kids are dealing with depression due to these strict rules, businesses are ready to close, people can’t hang on much longer and the awful reality is, the same premier that is implementing these rules is the same premier that had many of his own staff and MLAs jet off on a vacation over Christmas. Hope is running out and people are depleted, please Jason Kenney… look at a regional approach. Let us control our own lives, we don’t need the government overshadowing our livelihoods on a daily basis.

This letter only focuses on the region of Medicine Hat and is not intended to offend anyone that has personally dealt with COVID-19, and I am very sorry if you have lost someone due to the virus.

Mandi Campbell

Medicine Hat


May he find clarity

Dear editor,

Sometimes I’d come upon Rush Limbaugh’s radio talk show (nationalized and heavily advertisement laden) as he was giving his morning political sermon, mostly on the atrocities being committed against Trump and his presidency. The ideas he’d go on about were bewildering.

I’d often wonder how he got himself to say some of the absurdities (to me, at least) he’d preach irately paranoid political theories plentifully interspersed with business promotions big and small, as though straight out of a capitalist manifesto, the pages of which I think I could actually hear him shuffling beneath his microphone.

Now, some anti-Limbaugh posters say he must be somewhere in Dante’s Inferno’s political section. I, however, wonder whether his spirit or consciousness may now finally be 100 per cent free of the purely cerebrally-based agitation and contempt that may have blighted much of his life. Therefore, he may be wondering, “Why was I so angry, so much of the time? Oh, God, the things I said!… I really hope I didn’t do too much damage while I was there.”

Frank Sterle Jr.

White Rock, B.C.


Trudeau speaks with forked tongue

Dear editor,

Trudeau has publicly stated that he wants the Alberta oil sands shut down. Did you really think that he was going to help Alberta get the KXL pipeline restarted?

In their phone conversation, he probably thanked and praised ‘ol Joe for shutting it down. An Indigenous saying is, “White man speaks with forked tongue.”

Very applicable to Trudeau.

John MacLaren

Medicine Hat

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