May 3rd, 2024

Letter: Freedom of speech for all

By Letter to the Editor on February 2, 2021.

Dear editor,

I enjoyed Mr. Moore’s article as well, but apparently for totally different reasons than Mr. Mueller claims to. Cash Moore’s fear is that powerful, unbridled, monopolistic tech giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google now have the power to stifle the political news and views of half the population as they clearly did in the latest U.S. election. Totalitarian governments have always attempted to suppress free speech for their benefit, but would be envious of today’s handful of Silicon Valley billionaire tyrants who have unchecked control of public discourse.

When alternative public platforms such as Parler attempt to provide uncensored public discussion and debate, these autocrats have just demonstrated they will not tolerate any threat to their version of the truth.

They immediately colluded to prevent Parler from being accessible to the public, effectively shutting it down! Of course, the Peter Muellers of the world don’t see a problem here. As long as censorship aligns with their leftist view of the world then it really isn’t censorship at all. Scratch the surface of the “progressive” left and you expose authoritarianism.

Lynn Thacker

Bow Island

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