March 19th, 2025

The many reasons why I wear a mask

By Letter to the Editor on November 20, 2020.

I felt it was time to voice my pro mask stance.

I wear a mask inside any businesses I enter.

I do it for you…all of you.

I wear a mask because I don’t want to be responsible for causing others to suffer. I wear a mask so I will be able to see my brother, who is recovering from leukemia after a stem cell transplant. Someone donated their stem cells so he could live. He is one of the immunocompromised. There are many people here who, for various reasons, are too.

The least I can do is wear a mask.

I wear a mask so I will keep others safe from the disease caused by the dreaded aerosol droplets.

I wear a mask to protect the health care system.

I wear a mask to honour and protect the health care workers who are exhausted, stressed and worried.

I wear a mask because I care about others.

I don’t understand why those who choose not to wear a mask don’t care about this city and its people.

Please, just wear a mask for all of us.

Trudy Patrick

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