February 9th, 2025

Small businesses need help

By Letter to the Editor on May 9, 2020.

Medicine Hat’s small businesses are in crisis. Due to not qualifying for Federal and Provincial Government funding, many of our loved small businesses will be forced to close permanently.   As a city, we need to show our support for these businesses before it is too late.  Financial aide is needed immediately.  These businesses cannot survive months waiting for financial assistance from the Governments; they need assistance NOW.  Medium to large businesses have received some assistance, for which we are so thankful for.  Small businesses, however, in many situations have not.  After discussions with Business Owners, they are now desperate, as they feel their concerns have fallen to deaf ears.  They have fallen thru the cracks.  As of today, they have been told they “donMt qualify at this time” for assistance.  Please, residents of Medicine Hat,  call our Government Officials  for support.  Our small businesses have supported our City for years donating to raffles, charity events, sports teams etc. Medicine Hat is a unique and diverse City because of these businesses.  Now it is time for all of us to stand together and support them!

– Carolann Janzer, Medicine Hat

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