December 12th, 2024

Thunberg’s plea called ‘unrealistic’

By Letter to the Editor on October 23, 2019.

I listened to Greta Thunberg’s diatribe in Edmonton and it absolutely amazes me that this 15-year-old is being widely accepted as the Messiah of Climate Change when, like all the others, she doesn’t understand the premise.

It’s not that trying to reduce the world’s CO2 levels “is a bad thing,” it’s more of why don’t you concentrate on “the actual locations” where CO2 levels are over the top? What is she doing in Canada? Also, when espousing your beliefs, why not mention the fact oil products and oil by-products are not anywhere near a point where other “cleaner manufacturing” can replace said products? That, in my mind, would be a major factor in the process.

This entire movement has no clue what the term “in moderation” means. This little girl’s plea is unrealistic and I’m sure her handlers don’t give a damn about that. Like Al Gore’s campaign, this is nothing but a money maker for the organizers! I’d love to see that list of backers.

Lastly, I saw her mode of transport getting up here – a Tesla! I wonder if she’s swimming home or taking an airplane?

Bobbie Norman

Airdrie, Alta.

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5 years ago

What a great letter, Bobbie! I couldn’t agree more with every point you made.

It’s funny how climate changers are only climate changers when they are slamming the oil and gas industry! They seem to forget that almost every single product they use is more than likely manufactured where emissions are released. Perhaps these fear mangers should forgo their airplane trips to Hawaii, stop using cellphones, go back to using a washboard instead of a washing machine, etc.! Until they walk the walk…. their rantings are nothing but that.

Indeed, how will Greta return home, I would be very interested to know that myself. However, before she does, perhaps she should schedule a trip to China and spread her garbage. In addition, whoever her handlers are should be ashamed of themselves for throwing this kid out their to do their dirty work.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

I’m betting we have another two seniors who don’t give a damn about what’s happening to this planet, or our children’s future. While they watch these massive storms destroying this planet and costing people their lives and they don’t care.They find it smart to hurl sarcastic comments at a 16 year old girl who is a lot smarter than them and does care about what’s happening. I hope it makes them feel like big men, to me they look like village idiots. My friends and I would like to hear them explain how they are going to help pay for the Orphan Well crisis they helped create or do they just want us to dump it on the backs of our children?

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Fed Con – you seem very adept at asserting your moral superiority on everyone who disagrees with you. You seem to think that seniors are less intelligent than yourself and that young people who haven’t finished their education already have all the answers. You complain about others that “hurl sarcastic comments” yet you seem quite content to perform this action yourself.
Greta has not put forth any solutions (much like yourself) only stomped her feet and demanded action. What action would satisfy her and yourself? The only village idiots here are those of you who complain and offer not solutions.
You seem to advocate for the shut down of the Oil and Gas industry but would that not only create more wells that someone would have to clean up? Careful what you wish for, you might just get it!

5 years ago

Don’t bother, he’s an idiot. Copy and paste keyboard warrior.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Maybe Homer would like to explain to us true conservatives that if he is such a great conservative why does he support a well known Liberal turned Reformer in Jason Kenney or Liberal Ralph Klein ?. Has he bothered to talk to any of our lawyers, accountants ,oilmen, bankers or former PC MLAs who are furious by what has happened to this province ?. How does he explain why we are in this “Horrific Mess “ as Peter Lougheed called it? Can he tell us how much money he is going to be prepared to pay to help us pay for the Orphan Well mess that Klein created? I was involved with oilmen for close to 32 years so why would I want them to loose their jobs? I was involved with the clean up of Orphan wells between 1978 to 1986. Does he care that by taking the cap off his power bills he could see huge increases this winter? That will also increase his grocery bills, our health care and education costs? Does care that while Kenney has increased the tax breaks for his rich friends he is increasing our students tuition fees by 21 %, slashing health care funding and education funding that will cost people their jobs? Why has he bought into the lies that Alberta doesn’t have a revenue problem when we do, and why does he support the elimination of the Carbon Tax when the oil executives say we do to try to help curb our pollutions? The list goes on and on and I think you have a lot to explain.