December 14th, 2024

There is no planet ‘B’

By Letter to the Editor on October 11, 2019.

Re: “You’re up, Premier Kenney,” Oct. 5

Thank you to Mr. Peter Mueller for his guest column. In that column he compared the suicidal antics and stupid warmongering of the world leaders 60 years ago to the willful blindness and simplistic stupidity of world leaders in the last four decades regarding human-caused climate change. His comparison is apt because of the magnitude of what was at stake then and because of what is at stake now. To borrow a phrase, there is no planet “B.”

To the Paul McLennans of the world who scoff and sneer at human-caused climate change, I say you are certainly entitled to your own opinions on this issue, but you are, emphatically, not entitled to your own facts. Where is your evidence? You have had decades to produce it. Two decades ago, there were at least 600 internationally respected climate scientists describing and proving human-caused climate change beyond any reasonable doubt. Their number is higher now, their proof is stronger, and none of that proof supports your denial. You and your ilk have contributed nothing by way of solid, reliable evidence. There is a saying: Either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Your mere denial is useless because it is not evidence, it is certainly not leadership, and you seem disinclined to follow, therefore your only option is the third one.

As for Greta Thunberg, she and everyone on Earth under 40 years of age have a right to be angry about what is being left for them to try and deal with in the near and medium terms, and also in the long term. She deserves top marks for her insight, for her probity, and for sheer guts, the likes of which those who attack her will not have in 100 lifetimes, and she is only 16 years old! She has essentially said “The emperor has no clothes,” and she is correct. It badly needed to be said. Listen to her!

Also, anyone who expects serious, remedial action on this issue from either the Liberals or from the Conservatives, you are dreaming. If this was a war, Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives would firstly shrug and then send six guys with peashooters. Justin Trudeau and the Liberals would immediately send 12. Don’t be surprised when your dreaming becomes nightmares.

Gregory R. Côté

Irvine, Alta.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

While these politicians feed us all sorts of lies they watch these massive storms destroying our planet and completely ignore the fact that it’s our children who are going to have to deal with it, and they don’t care..

While many of our fellow seniors believed every lie Klein and Kenney fed them and blamed Notley and Trudeau for a recession that occurred in 2008, long before they were elected, creating the loss of thousands of jobs in Alberta they whine about the $60 billion debt Notley created trying to fix the mess and ignore the Orphan Well crisis Klein deliberately created which the Alberta Energy Regulator states could cost our children $260 billion to clean up. Add that to the lawsuits the oilmen state they are going to face over the out of control pollution we are creating.

Then there is the fact that Jason Kenney and Andrew Scheer helped Reformer Stephen Harper take Canada from a $19 billion surplus to a $151 billion debt and Scheer has promised to make it even worse by adding $23 billion to it in the first year in office and more in the next few years, and these seniors are falling all over themselves to get him elected and don’t care what he stands for. It was Ralph Klein and Ed Stelmach who warned Albertans that Harper’s hidden agenda was to destroy our public health care system and I’m betting Scheer will carry on where Harper left off trying to do just that. As much as I don’t like Trudeau I don’t trust Scheer and with all these other reformers who have become premiers they will have the power to do whatever they want and to hell with what the people want.