December 15th, 2024

Some conservatives don’t want to hear the truth about Kenney, Klein

By Letter to the Editor on September 4, 2019.

I’ve been watching Albertans pretend what great conservatives they are while ignoring the fact that their hero Ralph Klein was a well known liberal and Premier Jason Kenney is also, but they don’t care.

How many times do us true conservatives have to warn voters that those two couldn’t be trusted? We told them that Kenney would only make things worse by what he was promising, and was promising to make his rich friends a lot richer, but they called us names for suggesting it.

Now Kenney has left them looking like village idiots for electing him. He has taken the controls off the power industry so they can once again gouge the people out of their money. More fees will likely be added to your monthly bills. Power company executives are thrilled he is going to make them a lot richer. In addition he has no interest in providing protect for our gay students, and has promised to take away the protection provided for farm workers. He is also re-privatizing the issuing of drivers’ licenses, which police officers tell us will put a lot more drivers on our roads that shouldn’t have them, like the semi-driver who killed 16 members of the hockey team. And he has cancelled the building of the “Super Lab” in Edmonton that doctors state would have helped them save lives. 

If all this wasn’t bad enough he has admitted that he isn’t smart enough to handle the finances in this province, like we knew he couldn’t, and hired a Liberal from B.C. and a member of the Saskatchewan NDP to help out. This makes the Albertans who hurled their sarcastic remarks at the NDP and Liberals look extremely foolish. Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money to hire these people he could have asked Rachel Notley who we know knew exactly what to do and was on the right path.

I can’t wait to read the idiotic comments from my fellow seniors trying to defend Kenney’s actions and protect their own stupidity. While we hear them whine about the debt Notley was forced to create trying to fix the mess she inherited, they ignore the orphan well crisis their hero Klein created for us. The Alberta Energy regulator warns it could be $260 billion a far cry from what Notley was creating. The big question in my circle of conservative friends is how much are these Kenney supporters going to be willing to shell out to pay for this mess, and how long will it be before the land owners effected by it start suing the people for allowing it to happen?

Alan K. Spiller


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Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

Some people seem to forgot why we voted them out in 2015.
I was hoping for a minority government, but people couldn’t vote strategically so now they have what they have. And it’s going to be painful.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Great comments Les. The people who are going to hurt the most are the seniors, but many of them wouldn’t listen to us seniors, they were too busy believing all the lies Jason Kenney was feeding them.

They keep repeating the lie that we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Of course we have a spending problem when the NDP were trying fix the mess Klein, Stelmach, and Redford governments created over a 25 year period.

I haven’t forgotten the words of Ralph Klein’s father Phil . “What in the hell is the matter with that son of mine. While he gives away billions in royalties and taxes he is forcing the people to do without proper health care. It could cost them their lives”. Klein’s daughter Angie was trying to help us vote him out , but we were outnumbered by the ignorant Albertans who somehow thought he was doing a great job and still do today. As a doctor friend says they had better have deep pockets , they will need it.

While kenney plays mind games with them by convincing them that equalization payments are why were are in this mess he takes their minds of what he is doing to them, and apparently they aren’t smart enough to see it. He convinces them that Notley was spending too much money and taking us too far into debt, ignoring the fact that you can’t repair the mess we are in without doing just that and it could all have been repaid by an increase in royalties and taxes , like Notley was gradually doing . How would these Kenney supporters build the 55 schools were where short of without spending any money to do so? Guess who created this school shortage in the first place, it certainly wasn’t the NDP.

What disturbs us the most is the rumor going around Edmonton that Kenney has frozen royalties for the next ten years to benefit his rich friends. If this is true and I have nothing to prove it is Albertans will lose another $150 billion, at least , in oil wealth. Add in his plans to decrease taxes for his rich friends from 12 to 8 percent and we will likely lose another $100 billion. Then add this to the $260 billion the orphan well mess could cost us and there is no future for our children in this province.
While we watch our power bills increase this winter, effecting our retail prices, especially our grocery bills, and watch our children being forced back into paying the highest school fees in Canada, highest day care fees and highest after school care fees, while Kenney gives away our oil wealth and increases tax breaks for his rich friends we can blame the fools that supported him, unfortunately many of them are our fellow seniors who should have been a lot smarter.

The people in Alaska,Norway, and in any other oil rich area of the world don’t have this problem, only the Albertans who were dumb enough to let it happen to them.