March 20th, 2025

Notley’s heritage: Wage hike hurt small business

By Letter to the Editor on April 18, 2019.

Sadly the real truth about this Alberta election is that ex-premier Rachel Notley stole the last election by promising to raise the minimum wage to $15 and hour, a hike of 50 per cent in only five years, and the 18-to-30-year olds turned out in droves and won her the election! This time around those people never showed up!

Sadly she left thousands of small businesses dead or dying in her wake. This is her heritage!

Robert Wallace

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

The only sane Albertans appear to live in Edmonton. All the rest have told Kenney we don’t want our oil wealth, so give it away, with massive tax breaks to your rich friends, while Norway and Alaska keeps building up their huge savings accounts for their children’s future. We don’t care about global warming go a head and continue to pollute the provinces of Alberta, Sask., and Manitoba we don’t care that our children will face massive lawsuits.

Because he won’t have the money to run this province properly how many more Doctors, Nurses and Teachers will be run out of the province? How many seniors are going to be put into financial ruin? Because Klein refused to build additional long term health care beds creating a massive shortage in the province our family was forced to use a private -for -profit one at a cost of $10,600. per month. Yes per month. How many of these seniors that supported Kenney will find themselves in the same mess, and how many of these seniors are going to be able to afford his privatized health care, his toll roads he’s talking about, his privatization of the Treasure Branches?

I’m betting that if Scheer gets elected in Ottawa, thanks to what Trudeau has done there, we will see our Public Health Care System gone because that’s what Reformers are all about.

This election reminded me of 1997, while on vacation. I met a retired Exxon employee from Texas, who had worked in Calgary for Imperial oil for eight years. He told me that he thought Albertans were the dumbest people on the planet for letting the Klein government give away your oil wealth. Don’t you people realize it’s non-renewable he stated. He went on to say “Where in the modern world would the people be so stupid they would let their government take three hospitals away from them , putting peoples lives at risk, then reward them in the next election with a bigger majority. My wife and I couldn’t get out of Calgary fast enough, we didn’t fit in , we weren’t dumb enough.

I think that’s my B.C. relatives I hear laughing at how stupid Albertans are. While they pay a Carbon Tax, sales tax, monthly health care premiums, and pay $1.67 per litre at the pumps you don’t hear them whining about how hard done by they are while they live in the best run province in Canada and don’t let their government give away their oil royalties and huge tax breaks for their rich friends, do you?

5 years ago

Hey Al, election is over, go crawl back under your rock in Edmonton and make up some more fairy tales of who you met and who you know about this and that or whatever you need at the time to berate and call down this province’s people. Trust me, nobody cares what you think.

Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
5 years ago

yomouse, why do clueless blowhards like you think they speak for everyone.

5 years ago

Not everyone I guess, how about 70%? Tall Tale Al gets the same reaction in every paper that he trolls with his cut and paste broken record cast of characters to bash seniors and his general intolerance of anyone with a differing opinion, you know, kinda like yourself. You lefties are a joke..People are getting sick of clowns on the left, one just has to look south to see the lefts “great new hopes” speaking of clueless blowhards. No wonder right wing parties are making a comeback worldwide, not just in Canada.

Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
5 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

Sorry to disappoint amigo but I’m not “a leftie”.
Don’t consider myself “a rightie” either.
What I am is smart enough to know that your pudgy hero and momma’s boy Jason, who spent a decade in Ottawa, in power, did absolutely nothing for Alberta.
Yomouse, you and Alberta just got scammed by one of Canada’s most prolific opportunists.
Can the claptrap of “left and right”.
Those terms mean nothing.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Wait until you see what it’s going to cost you to watch while Kenney gives away your royalties and increases tax breaks for his rich friends. Have you been to Norway and Alaska and talked to the people about what their oil riches are doing for them , I have?

5 years ago

Good grief, listen to you two. I didn’t vote for the UCP, also couldn’t bring myself to vote NDP either, and I’m a government worker. How did you guys manage to sleep the last couple of days with all the ” tanks rumbling through the streets”? Norway and Alaska don’t have governments that are anti-oil and have no problems getting their product to tidewater like our pathetic “fellow” Canadians. Why don’t you guys spend some time calling out our great leader in Ottawa right now over his scandals? Maurice, if you don’t think politics have been split between “left or right” you are more clueless than I originally thought.

Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
5 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

Okay genious, explain to me political left and political right

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

I wonder what planet yomouse was living on when Ralph Klein put this province in financial ruin by giving away billions in royalties and tax breaks to his rich friends while putting thousands of Albertans out of work, and that’s the problem. Now we have another Liberal, turned Reformer, never was a true conservative , just like Klein in Jason Kenney who is promising to make things even worse and apparently yomouse isn’t smart enough to understand it or doesn’t care, we do. I will never forget the nurses bawling their eyes out in my office when Klein destroyed their careers, or the doctor who told me he had six patients who needed to be in a hospital and he couldn’t even get one of them in because of what Klein had done. I helped nine doctors and at least two dozen nurses relocate out of this province and not one wanted to go. My own father came within two hours of dying because of Klein’s massive health care cuts. Then there was the six young teachers we knew who all lost their jobs because of Klein. While this was happening lawyers, accountants, oilmen, bankers and former MLAs were telling us that none of this was necessary if Klein hadn’t destroyed Lougheed’s Royalty and Tax structures. Then there was Klein’s father Phil bashing him on television in Edmonton. He was furious with what his son was doing to this province, while many of our fellow seniors had nothing but praise for what Klein was doing and now they have told their Liberal friend Kenney to go right a head and do it again.

It’s not hard to understand why American oilmen working in Alberta call us the dumbest people on the planet, we have earned it. I can image the whining and crying that going to be going on when these Jenney -lovers realize what they have done. People in Ontario are already bashing Kenney’s friend Ford over what he’s doing to them. Hope Kenney’s friends have a lot of money they are certainly going to need it.