March 6th, 2025

Not all Hatters are UCP fans, Mr. Mayor

By Letter to the Editor on March 27, 2019.

Driving home from work on March 21, I was delighted to hear that CBC Radio was on location at Inspire Café in our city. Then Mayor Ted Clugston came on and completely misrepresented a large portion of our city’s residents.

No Ted, we do not all support the United Conservative Party with its greedy agenda to put more money into the pockets of the wealthy few. We do not all support an agenda that says we have to choose between the environment and our economy. We do not all support a political party that is xenophobic, homophobic, and angry. We do not all support a government that wants to slash funds to public education and privatize health care. Some of us still do have generosity, compassion, hope, and a vision for the prosperity and sustainability of our planet, and a promising future for our children and grandchildren. We are not all consumed by our own sense of greed and entitlement. It was not Mayor Clugston’s place to suggest that all Medicine Hatters are made of this fabric.

Additionally, to suggest that our province has suffered under the wise leadership of the NDP is preposterous. Not only did Notley steer us safely through a complete economic mess left by the Progressive Conservative governments (in the face of a downward spin in world energy prices), she saved jobs and diversified our economy. Look at Medicine Hat alone with its booming new businesses: Aurora Cannabis, the bitcoin cryptocurrency plant, Atlantis Research Labs, a possible helium liquefaction facility, various new breweries, and (in direct credit to the hard work of MLA Bob Wanner) the Bluenergy Solarwind and other alternative energy initiatives in and around Medicine Hat – yes the same ones that the UCP threatens to defund if in power.

Finally, the 21st century will need citizens who are creative and critical thinkers in order to compete in the global economy, and through Notley’s leadership, a brilliant new curriculum has been designed. UCP Leader Jason Kenney threatens to slash this in favour of old boring factory style indoctrination.

So no Mr. Clugston. Not all Medicine Hatters are looking forward to the disaster that awaits if the UCP takes over. Some of us are proud that Alberta finally has a responsible government with a vision to protect the planet, diversify our economy, build pipelines to get our oil to market, save jobs, educate our young, and care for our sick.

Gwendoline Dirk

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

An absolutely brilliant letter Gwendoline we feel the same way. As people in the Edmonton area are saying she a lot more like Peter Lougheed , she cares about the well being of all the people and not just her rich friends like Kenney does.

You would have to be a damn fool to support him, he offers nothing that won’t make things a lot worse for all us..

Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
5 years ago

Clugston is clueless.
Kenney is threatening to cancel all renewable energy contracts, such as solar, should he attain his goal of becoming Alberta’s trough-feeder-in-chief (yes, he is a professional, uneducated career politician).
Given recent announcements regarding large industrial solar farms planned in the MH area, you’d think Clugston would be worried about a UCP win.
But it apprears Clugston can’t put two and two together or, as they say, ‘can’t do the math’.

5 years ago

I agree with Fedup Conservative, that was a brilliant letter! Ted should differentiate between his OWN opinion and that of ALL citizens of Medicine Hat. Why did Kenney not accomplish these lofty goals as an MP? Please fellow Hatters who share in the Silent Majority, rise up and lets show these newly empowered Right Wing Racists what the power of the ORANGE CRUSH is!!!!

5 years ago

Love this letter!
Ted’s so full of it I’m surprised he hasn’t claimed to have cured all disease along with homelessness by now. Seems like a lot of people like to pretend Medicine Hat is pure UCP through and through, particularly by stealing and destroying any orange signs that pop up(including my own). Maybe that’s why there’s so many blue signs on city and provincial property in town, from buildings to medical clinics. They flip out when Notley holds a press event at a hospital, but pushing their party at every public facility is apparently fine, not to mention DAILY ads for Barnes on Chat, masquerading as news. Push your narrative that this city is blue all you like, we’ll see on election day.

5 years ago

Mayor Clugston may view the future of his city through UCP-colored glasses, but fortunately, others see life more realistically. In the Edmonton neighborhood where I am visiting, lawn signs are overwhelmingly NDP orange. A refreshing sight, and one that progressive Medicine Hatters need to emulate, now and at the ballot box.