March 13th, 2025

Something in the water in Edmonton?

By Letter to the Editor on January 19, 2019.

Aw, shucks. After four years of pinko commie gender neutral feminism in Alberta some unwashed chattering class member of Alberta had the audacity to disagree with her Imperial Highness Princess Minister of Alberta Trees and Air Shannon Phillips.

To make matters worse someone has cast aspersions on her staff by wishing their issues to be heard. This of course has caused her Highness such distress that in the interests of public safety (although reading the articles, it is an issue of not being able to justify her stance) Princess Minister Phillips will not rub shoulders with the unwashed masses as it hurts her feelings. To make matters worse the federal police chose not to be the scapegoat in this whole fiasco.

Sadly it reminds me of the Old Alberta PCs who had private non-uniformed security interfere with Albertans who chose to attend town hall meetings and ask embarrassing questions. My memory is beginning to fail me; I think it had something to do with electrical power lines.

Maybe there is something in Edmonton water that causes a poor disposition to opposition?

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
6 years ago

Actually Ian it appears that there’s something in your water.
Your rant makes no sense!