February 12th, 2025

New Liberals are a lot like the old Liberals

By Letter to the Editor on January 2, 2019.

The Top Line on the front page of the Dec. 29 Medicine Hat News reads: “One and the same — PM compares new Tories to old.”

If you are not a left wing socialist maybe that is good. Stephen Harper is an economist. His government received accolades from around the world for getting Canada through the 2008-09 deep world wide recession with less financial pain, damage, and suffering than any other Western country.

While comparing new too old, lets compare the new Liberals to the old Liberals.

In the 1980s Liberal Pierre Trudeau’s chief advisor was Keith Davies. Davies is on record for coining the phrase “Screw the West, we’ll take the rest.” Great slogan for a so-called federal “Canadian” political party. But it sold well in Central Canada.

Thus Trudeau imposed the National Energy Program on the West. And screw the West the Liberals did. Fast forward to today. “Little Pierre” (Justin) and the federal Liberal party are screwing the West, especially Alberta, so grievously that it would make even Pierre and Davies blush.

John MacLaren

Medicine Hat

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