February 16th, 2025

Bad decisions all over Ottawa and citizens are paying for them

By Letter to the Editor on December 28, 2018.

Slowly but surely the surreptitious actions of the federal government high-level bureaucrats are coming to life.

The Supreme Court of Canada, who owe their allegiance to the Prime Minister’s Office has decided the media must give up their sources to the federal police (RCMP). Front-line workers are kept off balance by a disastrous pay system, while their Ottawa bosses get $10,000 bonuses, veterans are owed millions they “might” get in 2020, now the Veterans Affairs Department has declared the whole employee contact directory secret, not just case workers every VA employee. Internally employees have complained that veterans scare them and so they must be protected better than a bank vault. Kind of hard to counsel someone through a bulletproof glass screen.

Oh yeah, this government also bought a might happen pipeline for $4.5 billion, is slowly still trying to build navy ships while hiding nefarious activities of bureaucrats by pointing the finger at an admiral who had an exemplary record. The minister of public safety has toured many bureaucrats around the country on an all expenses trip while the PM has already made up his mind to ban all guns. This is pure unadulterated inept performance by highly-paid Ottawa-based assistant deputy ministers and coworkers.

To make matters worse we are the ones paying for this poor performance, meanwhile Trudeau floats around the world having his picture taken in exotic spots, apologizing for the limp-wristed issue.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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