February 8th, 2025

Money worth more to U.S. politicians than human life

By Letter to the Editor on November 12, 2018.

I have written an article on the subject on horrendous civilian shootings before, but it bears repeating given last week’s episode in California. Another needless loss of life of innocent beings out for an evening of entertainment.

Donald Trump’s suggestion of stationing armed guards in religious institutions (a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun) is the most imbecilic suggestion ever made, a vast hasty retreat to the past. Just shows a knee-jerk reaction, not even thought out rationally. Enough said.

The United States has never come out of the wild west mentality. The first persons killed in the latest episode were the guards, leaving the field open to do whatever the shooter wished. So much for the good guy.

Is Trump really thinking that more weapons are the answer? If that is the case, why not arm everyone? Every public place of worship, every cafe, club, every building having access to the public would be armed to the teeth. How much sense would that make?

Having more weaponry is not the answer. Restricting the type of weapons to the proper and legitimate people, like the military and law enforcement, makes sense. The lawmakers do not have the courage nor foresight to change anything because they are blinded by the need of NRA dollars to fund their political campaigns.

I am not suggesting guns be taken — only restricted to proper users and the type of weapons allowed to be sold to the general public.

Legitimate hunters have no need for automatic guns. There are two reasons for automatic weapons to be designed and manufactured.

1. Automatic guns are manufactured to kill humans.

2. The sale of weapons makes scads of money for the manufacturers.

Sadly, I realize that no matter how much is written or spoken on the subject, it will fall on deaf ears.

I was shocked to learn that gun parts are available through the mail because they may be ordered online in Canada. The laws governing that must have holes that a whole army could drive through. Ludicrous.

Please gun owners, do not be dismayed at what I am about to suggest. Gun parts should only be available through legal gun shops and monitored to see only legitimate uses of those items.

I do not suggest the removal or restriction of guns, generally only the type of guns.

Words of sympathy do not revive those shot. Words are cheaper than bullets.

It is very apparent dollars are worth more to the politicians than human life. Wherever money is concerned, greed is in close proximity.

W. Korzyniowski

Medicine Hat

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