March 19th, 2025

By the Way: Tempting power

By Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks on March 8, 2025.

Power has a tempting attraction in human life.

Consider all the world leaders currently fascinated by increasing their personal power! No wonder the season of Lent opens with a story about the temptations of power. The story read this Sunday in many churches around the world is a vision of the devil tempting Jesus with power to overcome the limits of his human journey.

First, says the tempter, turn stones into bread, Jesus!

Overcome scarcity and the hunger it imposes at the snap of your fingers. No, says Jesus, God’s Word calls us to feed one another. It’s human generosity, not power over nature that feeds the world.

Then the devil suggests, Take power over all the world’s kingdoms. Just recognize my power and you can run the world. No, says Jesus, it’s God’s power that truly rules the world. God’s is the power of love that serves the last and least, not the wealthy who think they’re most worthy.

The devil is a bit frustrated. If you are God’s Son, he challenges, take all God’s power for yourself. Defy death and show me that power! No, says Jesus, the power of love gives itself away for the sake of others. Love doesn’t trump God. God is love. Then Jesus walks toward his Cross, trusting the power of love to defeat all that worldly powers would throw at him.

Worldly powers are muscling their demands to have it all their own way right now. That is power’s great temptation – across all human history. Yet history reminds us that those who grasp power for their own desires always crumble. The weeks that lead us to Easter remind us that God’s love gives itself away to heal the hurts in the world. Watch Jesus to see the power of love at work when other powers threatened him. And share a little love with those who need it. It’s the one power we have which no one can take away.

Rev Dr Nancy Cocks is a retired Presbyterian Minister.

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