February 13th, 2025


Here’s how the newest hearing aid technology can change your life


Slimmer and sleeker hearing aids provide a range of solutions for all kids of hearing loss

Hearing is central to our social life and self-expression, and it’s a vital part of maintaining our physical health, safety and wellbeing. Photo via iStock.

What do Phil Collins, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend, and Eric Clapton have in common?

Besides all being iconic musicians, they also suffer from hearing loss related to years of exposure to loud sounds.

Townsend, who now wears hearing aids in both ears, says that hearing aids have made him feel “reborn.”

“Hearing aids have a huge impact on people’s lives,” HearingLife chief audiologist Jillian Price says.

“So much happens in a relationship when lines of communication are broken. Hearing aids can help you with that.”

Fortunately, there are now a wide range of hearing aids, with technology that has come a long way from older models.

“Hearing aid producers have listened to what the consumer wants and designed them to reflect what they’re looking for,” Price says.

“There have been great advancements in technology.”

Gone are the bulky units of the past. In their place are sleeker, slimmer, unobtrusive models that can be personalized to your personal hearing circumstances.

Many now offer easy rechargeable batteries along with functionality backed by years of research to help the brain process sound.

“Hearing loss can make us feel emotionally and socially disconnected,” Price says.

Checking hearing test results at a HearingLife clinic. Photo via HearingLife Canada.

Untreated hearing loss can also have a negative effect on cognitive skills, including increasing chances of developing dementia.

“Hearing loss is something we should take seriously and something we should treat earlier rather than later,” Price says.

“Let the hearing aids do the work and you can go back to living your life.”

Regular hearing checks should be an established part of your self-care routine after the age of 60. You may also want to consider having your hearing checked if you’ve noticed you’ve had issues following along with conversations or need to constantly increase the volume on your devices to hear properly.

Not only does HearingLife offer free hearing tests, the company also offers a risk-free 90-day trial on your hearing aids. This helps ensure you will find the right solution for your needs.

“If you aren’t sure these hearing aids will work, just try it,” Price says.

“Unless you try it for yourself, you won’t know the difference they’ll make.”

To find a hearing centre near you and book a free hearing test today, visit http://www.hearinglife.ca.

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