June 30th, 2024


The whole world is searching for a cure

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 11th, 2020

The world is looking for a cure for COVID-19. I truly home that each of you remain safe and healthy until a vaccine is found. Have you ever gotten really sick? How did it affect you? When I was a teenager I got Scarlett fever. It’s not a common ailment but it can be very ... Read More »

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Differing approach between business and government

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 10th, 2020

gslade@medicinehatnews.com@MHNGillianSlade There is a stark contrast between the approach private businesses have taken during COVID-19 and that of government. Private businesses had to adapt to new requirements and protective measures for staff and customers seemingly overnight while continuing to serve customers. For government it appears there was no urgency to continue serving the public – ... Read More »

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What’s Up Doc?: Many challenges in overcoming COVID-19

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 7th, 2020

Globally, there have been more than 10 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 500,000 deaths (WHO statistics). It is estimated, more than one billion people face increased risk of severe COVID-19. Can we control this terrible pandemic? Hopefully, yes. But there are few challenges. First challenge: People with illnesses like diabetes, heart and lung problems and other ... Read More »

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Parks and Recreation: Water, from conservation to recreation

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 7th, 2020

Water is a resource that supports life on Earth and gives us the ability to landscape and recreate in areas around the world. While water flows readily from our taps, it is important to keep conservation in mind as it is finite, and we greatly depend on it. Water conservation prevents pollution, saves energy, reduces ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: Déjà vu all over again, but with a very sneaky twist

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 4th, 2020

Here we go again. The UCP is using more “bold, ambitious” action to bolster the economy and it’s going to attract all kinds of investment to Alberta when corporations fall over themselves to move here and take advantage of our competitiveness. We’re going to build, we’re going to diversify and we’re going to create jobs. ... Read More »

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MP Report: Parliament ‘virtually’ useless

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 4th, 2020

Traditional celebrations marking Canada’s confederation were side-stepped this July 1 in favour of virtual reality. I’m unsure how celebrating our nation’s significant milestone via a computer screen worked for you, but personally the experience was lackluster. What we learned this Canada Day, is that virtual replacement is a poor substitute for the real thing. The ... Read More »

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City Notebook: One week we’re the worst, one week we’re the best… or so we’re told

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 4th, 2020

cgallant@medicinehatnews.com@CollinGallant In the same month that the City of Medicine Hat was the worst when it came to per-person spending in the province, it’s also the best when it comes to limiting wage growth in the public sector. That’s according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, which released two studies in the month, though critics frequently ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: Scattered thoughts on cops, cops, a bill and some crap

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on June 27th, 2020

Some quick hits this week because I can’t decide what to write about… “Defund the Police,” means something different to everyone, it seems, and as per usual when people get stuck on semantics, the conversation ends up leading away from the point. Last week my neighbour – a woman in her late 60s who lives on ... Read More »

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City Notebook: Write a cheque and save the rest of us a little cash

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on June 27th, 2020

cgallant@medicinehatnews.com@CollinGallant Hatters don’t have to pay their property taxes Tuesday – June 30 is the traditional due date. Tax notices won’t even be sent until July, but eventually Hatters will be able to use a credit card to cover off the amount if it’s paid in full in August. Council approved that departure by split ... Read More »

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News Editorial: Stay safe on the roads and follow the rules

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on June 26th, 2020

gslade@medicinehatnews.com@MHNGillianSlade The thought of someone being knocked off their bicycle, even if not seriously injured, makes us wince and feel terrible for everyone involved. Cyclists are particularly vulnerable and that makes obeying city bylaws so important. This week police responded to the scene where a cyclist had collided with a motor vehicle at a pedestrian ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: In all fairness, what a waste of time

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on June 20th, 2020

“Fair’s fair,” as they say. Whatever that means. You gotta hand it to the editors at the Calgary Sun for running that phrase in triple-digit font size on the front page, because they were able to describe in two words what members of the Fair Deal Panel needed 68 pages to say. Not much. Columnist ... Read More »

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