June 30th, 2024


Laying It Out: Dragons love ‘normal’ – they never get burned

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on October 3rd, 2020

Let’s talk about CERB a little. But first, let’s talk about Forent Energy. As reported in February by Press Progress, Forent Energy is a bankrupt oil company that left a number of inactive or orphaned wells within Alberta which the public will have to pay for. According to information from both the Orphaned Well Association ... Read More »

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News editorial: 25 years later, is FOIP anything more than an expensive facade?

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on October 2nd, 2020

This week has marked a significant event about the public’s right to know and access to information from governments. In fact, 25 years ago Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was proclaimed. This FOIP process was intended to create more transparency and allow taxpayers to see exactly what contributed to decisions being ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: Random thoughts from an eventful week

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on September 26th, 2020

According to the new justice minister, Red Deer RCMP officers were unable to make on-the-scene arrests of the racist losers who were assaulting peaceful anti-racism rally goers because they had gone to the wrong venue. When we finally fire up that pricey provincial police force, maybe we should put a few Uber drivers through the ... Read More »

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MLA Report: A listening ear is a start

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on September 19th, 2020

I want to start by offering my deepest condolences to those who have lost someone close to them. It has been hard watching our city come to terms with the rising number of deaths related to suicide and mental illness. I am sure that most of us know, or are in someway connected to the ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: When the purpose you serve is cruel, your actions will follow suit

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on September 19th, 2020

At what point in Premier Jason Kenney’s assault on all things decent do people point to the proverbial spade and say, “Oh look, a spade”? As if playing a continued game of, “What deplorable insanity can I squeeze into a press conference this week instead of something a human would say,” Kenney felt now was ... Read More »

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Laying It Out: Listen, we’re broke. But fund cops or else

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on September 12th, 2020

Does everyone remember how we had to suffer through that frightening shortage of cops in Alberta for the first decade of the 21st century because former premier Ralph Klein had slashed policing budgets in the early 1990s instead of just addressing a province-inflicted revenue problem? Of course you don’t. Because that was doctors. Does everyone ... Read More »

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MP Report: Liberals caught in tangled web of deceit

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on August 7th, 2020

“Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive.” Published in 1808, Sir Walter Scott’s verse effectively describes our Prime Minister and the situation he has created. How can one person – a leader of a great democracy no less – get into as many quagmires’ as Justin Trudeau? Is it ... Read More »

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City Notebook: A summer like no other, but the heat has arrived on cue

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 25th, 2020

cgallant@medicinehatnews.com@CollinGallant Typically this week, we’d be diving into plates of pancakes in a parking lot somewhere, sweating it on the midway, watching rodeo, mixing Clamato juice into a cup of suds and enjoying the Medicine Hat Stampede. We’re not, of course, you may have noticed. COVID’s cancelled most everything, it’s seemed. And though the joke ... Read More »

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MLA Report: Alberta Recovery Plan addresses new reality

By medicinehatnews on July 24th, 2020

Part 1 of a two-part series. See Saturday for Part 2. Alberta is facing unprecedented times with the triple threat of a global economic meltdown, a crash in energy prices, and a world-wide pandemic – the extent and duration of which remains to be seen. That is why Alberta’s government is taking bold action to ... Read More »

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News Editorial: Accountability becoming a thing of the

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 24th, 2020

gslade@medicinehatnews.com@MHNGillianSlade Gone are the days when people in positions of authority could be trusted and if they did slip up – they resigned. For weeks the WE charity debacle with the federal government has raged on. When it got really hot Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized, once again, for his lack of judgment, again, and ... Read More »

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Those who choose to not wear a face mask should not be shamed

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on July 17th, 2020

gslade@medicinehatnews.com@MHNGillianSlade The face mask has just become an outward symbol of something that some people think we can do to protect ourselves but it has turned into a shaming exercise and now even a death. In a small town about 200 km from Toronto, a 73 year-old man was confronted by a store clerk on ... Read More »

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