December 14th, 2024

Campaign signs removed after violating election act

By Tim Kalinowski on October 13, 2021.


The City of Lethbridge is confirming it removed about 150 signs over the weekend which had been put up by local municipal candidates on the grounds of Exhibition Park in violation of the Local Authorities Election Act.
“Section 152 of the Local Authorities Election Act states that no ‘advertisement, handbill, placard, poster, circular, pamphlet, newspaper, or other paper . . .  can be displayed within a building used for a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which a building used for a voting station is located,” says Deputy Returning Officer David Sarsfield. “As a result, approximately 150 signs were removed from Exhibition Park property on the weekend while it was serving as an Advance Poll.” 
Sarsfield confirmed to The Herald that those candidates who had been found in violation of the Election Act had been informed of their transgressions, and that they were expected to conform to the law from now on. Sarsfield declined to state which candidates’ signs had been removed. However, he confirms, City staff will remain vigilant in the coming days for any more potential violations.
“The City has found the majority of the candidates do comply with the rules, and just need a reminder on occasion,” says Sarsfield. “The City has removed approximately 350 signs in total so far this election campaign. Signs will be removed from any of the voting station properties on Election Day as well as the remaining Advance Poll Station, ATB Centre, while the voting is occurring.”

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