February 7th, 2025

MHPSD families invited to student social media presentation and Q&A

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on January 28, 2025.


Tonight parents and guardians who have children enrolled in the Medicine Hat Public School Division are invited to attend a one-hour presentation and answer period hosted by Madison Cameron, a youth specialist with the centre for trauma informed practice, to discuss the impacts of social media.

“Not so Different After All” is presented by the Alexandra Middle School Parent Council and will highlight the impacts of social media and how it can shape the perceptions in students’ emotions and behaviours.

Cameron will discuss social media’s impact on self-esteem and worldwide views and highlight apps that kids are using that some adults may not know about.

The presentation will also provide practical strategies to support children online and help bridge generational differences to strengthen connections and relationships.

“Equip yourself with actionable tools to help your child navigate the online world with confidence,” reads a media release.

Last Sept. Cameron held a similar hour-long virtual presentation for parents that showcased her research speaking with more than 10,000 students through surveys and says there are three main elements that make up a students ‘social circle that include insecurity, social currency and FOMO, otherwise known as ‘fear of missing out.’

Throughout her career Camerson has travelled across Canada and the U.S. to host presentations on the topics of social media and technology to professionals, students and families.

The free presentation starts at 7 p.m. at AMS, located upstairs in the library, or parents and guardians can attend virtually by joining a Zoom meeting. A link can be found on the division’s main page under the ‘Division News’ tab.

Editors note: An earlier version of the story stated the presentation was being held at the Medicine Hat Public Library. It is being held at the library in Alexandra Middle School.

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