February 7th, 2025

Temporary addition of shelter spaces at Mustard Seed denied

By ANNA SMITH Local Journalism Initiative on January 16, 2025.

Members of the public came out in force to the municipal planning commission meeting at city hall on Wednesday. Flats resident Joanne Hamel addresses the commission to oppose the granting of a permit to allow the Mustard Seed to operate an overnight shelter for the next six months at the Allowance Avenue community outreach centre.--News Photo Collin Gallant


The application that would allow for 20 temporary overnight spaces at the Mustard Seed Community Impart Centre on Allowance Avenue has been denied, as of the Jan. 15 municipal planning commission meeting.

The recommended motion as put forward by the MPC was to approve the application for six months, subject to several conditions, including a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design assessment, a revised site plan to include the placement of the “seacan” on the property, and ensured due diligence to all regulations and safety in regards to safety surrounding utility lines, among others.

However, the decision was ultimately unanimous by the committee to not approve the application. Coun. Shila Sharps commented that since it was likely the decision would be appealed, she saw the importance of having that process drawn out as a denial rather than an approval.

“At least now the message is clear. Because if the message was yes, we’ll give you the six months, that says, ‘Well, maybe the community is OK with this,’ and the community is not. So they spoke,” said Sharps. “They needed this commission to step up and show that.”

Sharps continued that she stood by the very first thing she said, that the Mustard Seed does really good work and she “cannot in any way critique their work. We just need to balance our community here.”

Community members who spoke at the meeting raised concerns in regards to antisocial behaviour seen by those accessing the services, including public drug use, theft and vandalism. They expressed questions as to enforcement when these issues are encountered, and the impact that has been seen on local businesses.

While residents suggested they recognize the need for a shelter and were generally supportive of the existence of one, most opinions expressed were opposed to it being in their Flats neighbourhood.

“It should have never been in a residential district,” said Flats resident Bob Palmer. “There are plenty of better locations, I’m glad it was turned down, it was a common sense decision. There’s some compassion for the people who put up with it day by day.”

Those who were in favour of the location, such as resident Elly Hall, instead mentioned that they think the decision may be succumbing to public pressure, but hope the Mustard Seed or an equivalent organization will be able to find another location or solution swiftly.

“It just kind of sucks that, you know, there’s a higher probability that they’ll be spending a night outside in the cold, perhaps on the streets, on the sidewalk, on a bench, whatever hostile kind of environment not fit for human beings,” said Hall. “I hope there are long-term plans in place for these people, because at the end of the day, they don’t just disappear until morning.”

For MPC chair Coun. Andy McGrogan, the issue ultimately came down to the intensity of use.

“When I kept hearing about the change in intensity and how those 20 beds would change the intensity, you know, of the issues in the neighbourhood, we have to consider, is the building suitable,” said McGrogan. “And I think we also have to consider who is vulnerable. We have a vulnerable population as far as the people that use the facility, but we have an equally vulnerable population living around that, who should be able to live in their neighbourhood as they expected it to be.”

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