February 15th, 2025

Bow Island could administer hefty fines for water wasting this summer

By Medicine Hat News on May 28, 2024.


Bow Island is debating bringing in a new $500 fine for any townsperson found to be “wasting water” during the shortages this summer or any emergency event, the town council’s agenda shows.

The town holds a licence to draw water from the St. Mary’s Irrigation system, according to a proposed bylaw that was set for a final vote Monday.

It would allow town council to implement emergency conservation measures in time of drought or system failure, limiting water use and giving peace officers authority to determine if restrictions – such as limited lawn care – are being met.

Restrictions would not apply to firefighting, commercial car washes with water recycling equipment, greenhouses, drinking water, public swimming pools or restaurants.

“A person committing a breach of any of the provisions of this bylaw, upon conviction of breach thereof, may forfeit the right to be supplied with water,” the proposed legislation reads.

A first offence would garner a $500 fine, rising to $1,000 for subsequent offences.

The result of the council meeting was not known as of press time.

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