July 26th, 2024

Monday in Medicine Hat, April 22

By James Tubb on April 21, 2024.


Medicine Hat News

City council will again take up requests from Mayor Linnsie Clark for itemized expenses from senior administrators at city hall.

The request was made in mid-February, just as council members were awaiting a report into a code of conduct allegation that Clark had failed to treat city manager Ann Mitchell with due respect in the summer.

Last month, council voted to sanction Clark, then were set to consider the information request two week ago before the meeting concluded at its set time.

Council will also hear details about a proposed whistle-blower policy on tonights agenda, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at city hall and available for viewing on the city’s YouTube channel.

An update to the “Respectful Workplace Policy” is also expected.

A presentation on city police plans for increased focus on the downtown core will be heard at the start of the meeting.

Tax Time

Local councils are set to approve 2024 tax rates in the coming week.

In Medicine Hat that includes a general four per cent increase, while in Cypress County farm and residential rates are proposed to remain unchanged, though commercial properties could see an eight per cent bump.

Whether the weather be…

Cloud and rainy conditions to start the week are expected to give way to highs reaching 20C on Wednesday.

A full forecast is here.

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