February 13th, 2025

TREX seeks artists for upcoming exhibits

By KENDALL KING on February 18, 2023.

Submissions to take part in provincial the Travelling Exhibition (TREX) program are being accepted now until Mar. 1.--SUBMITTED PHOTO


TREX Southeast is looking to connect with artists from Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Brooks and elsewhere in the region who would like their work to be considered for upcoming exhibits.

The Travelling Exhibition (TREX) program is an initiative supported by Alberta Foundation for the Arts, which curates and makes accessible visual art exhibits across a variety of regions throughout the province, with Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and Brooks falling into the southeast region.”

“The Esplanade has held the regional contract for TREX for, at least, over a decade,” Genevieve Farrell, program manager and curator for TREX Southeast, told the News. “There’s a variety of arts-viewing opportunities that we create through the program, including travelling exhibitions like the exhibitions here at TREX Space and over at the Esplanade.”

With a constant flow of artists in and out of the southeast region, Farrell says it’s important for TREX to have a current pool of regional artists to include in upcoming exhibits, and so, from now until Mar. 1 at midnight, TREX has an open call for artists to apply to the pool.

“We just want to know who’s around and who’s practising,” said Farrell. “And then all those applicants will be used to create a database that we can pull from when we’re doing curatorial projects.”

Applicants will remain in the pool for roughly two years, during which time their work will be considered for all upcoming TREX exhibits, however inclusion in an exhibit is not guaranteed.

“And the open call isn’t for one opportunity,” said Farrell. “The artists could be in Tumbleweed Project Space, they could be at the Esplanade, they could be at Trek Space, they could be in a solo exhibition or a group exhibition.”

Few limitations are set on the type of artwork an artist can submit or on the level of experience needed to apply.

“We’re open to emerging artists, established, mid-career, really anyone along their path,” said Farrell.

Application details can be found online at trexsoutheast.ca. For additional information or to apply, email genfar@medicinehat.ca.

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