February 6th, 2025

Locally-operated health website Virtunurse aims to address issues relating to access to care

By Samantha Johnson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on February 17, 2023.


Matthew Jubelius, founder of the virtual health-care program Virtunurse, has been a registered nurse since 2007 and has lived in Medicine Hat for about 13 years. He has a rich background in nursing, including advanced practice, and taught nursing at Medicine Hat College.

He created Virtunurse with the goal of increasing access to care after hearing story after story about those who don’t have a family doctor.

“It’s about access of care for people,” stated Jubelius. “My heart kept breaking, you hear so many people who don’t have a family doctor.”

The creation of Virtunurse was to increase access to care while also being respectful of patient time. Jubelius talked about how the quota for walk-in clinics is often filled by mid-morning, leaving patients to go to Emergency and having to wait eight to 10 hours.

“The pandemic really affected nurses and the health-care system,” said Jubelius. “What’s happened is nurses have burnt out. In the next three years 24 per cent of Canadian nurses won’t be in the field anymore. People need care and we don’t have any local physicians, there isn’t a system in place.”

Currently, services for Virtunurse are not covered by Alberta Health Care. Jubelius explained that those with private health insurance might be covered for an appointment, or the expense could be claimed on an income tax return.

Initial appointment intake costs $67 and takes 20 minutes. It addresses medical history and current medical concerns. Subsequent appointments are 15 minutes at a cost of $50.

The idea is to keep expanding the services by adding a pediatric nurse, mental health and wellness nurse, and a nurse practitioner to the team. Jubelius believes in a holistic approach to health, and is building up a network of care that includes chiropractors, pharmacists, massage therapists, naturopaths and other professionals.

In addition to the virtual nursing services for individuals, Virtunurse also serves businesses as part of a commitment to employee health, safety and wellness.

“With mental health and workplace stress, it can be more comfortable for individuals to go to an external provider to avoid fear of reprisal or stigma. We can give the best part of treatment to the individual,” explained Jubelius.

The website was officially launched a couple weeks ago. The team created software that meets legislative compliance through Canada for holding health and protected information.

An appointment can be booked in three clicks on the website and Jubelius promises that if your appointment is at 10 a.m., that is when you will be seen without having to leave your home or office.

The website can be found at virtunurse.ca and appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information email hello@virtunurse.ca.

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