February 15th, 2025

Colson Jeffery Wendland becomes Medicine Hat’s first baby of 2023

By KENDALL KING on January 3, 2023.

Colson Jeffery Wendland was born at 1:46 a.m. on Jan. 1, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces.--SUBMITTED PHOTO


Dakota Lee and Bryton Wendland are thrilled to welcome the newest addition to their family and Medicine Hat’s first baby of 2023: son Colson Jeffery Wendland.

Baby Colson was born at 1:46 a.m. on Jan. 1, at Medicine Hat Regional Hospital, weighing eight pounds, six ounces and measuring 20 inches.

“We are both beyond overjoyed to have another kiddo,” said Lee, who shares a nine-year-old daughter with Wendland. “We’re both just very happy with everything.”

While Lee and Wendland are most grateful for a healthy child, they were pleasantly surprised to welcome the city’s New Year’s baby, especially as Lee’s expected due date was earlier in the Holiday Season.

“He was over a week late,” said Lee. “He was actually due Christmas Eve. So, when we passed (that date), we weren’t really sure when he was going to come.

“I was hoping that it would be after Christmas at least, or even before – just because you want a (time) difference between your birthday and Christmas to be there. But no, he held out until New Year’s.”

Having passed her due date, Lee was induced on Dec. 30, but didn’t go into labour until the evening of the 31st.

“We got to the hospital probably close to 7 p.m., so I was in labour for about six hours,” said Lee. “But the delivery went well.”

As of Monday, Lee and Colson were still recovering in hospital, but were doing well and hoped to go home shortly.

In the meantime, friends and family have been visiting them in hospital. And while all are excited to meet Colson, Lee says his big sister, Aubree, is one of the most overjoyed.

“She’s very excited,” said Lee. “She just adores him already.”

The family is also using the time in hospital to get to know Colson, who Lee says is already showing his personality.

“He’s pretty sweet,” she said. “He’s a good sleeper (and) he’s quite content to be nice and cozy and snuggled up.”

As for appearance, Lee says Colson has a considerable amount of hair, which is currently light brown in colour. And she says he has a good mix of features from both her and Wendland.

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