February 8th, 2025

‘Backflips, cliffhangers, kiss of death’: Freestyle motocross and snowmobile show coming to the Hat in August

By MO CRANKER, Special to the News on July 23, 2021.

The high-flying action of Global FMX will be at the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede Grandstand for a two-day freestyle motocross and snowmobile show on Aug. 11 and 12. - SUBMITTED PHOTO

With the province open for summer, Medicine Hatters have a selection of events to look forward to – including one that will show off life-or-death stunts.

Global FMX will present a two-day Freestyle Motocross and Snowmobile Show on Aug. 11 and 12 at the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede. Global FMX owner Kris Garwasiuk says the shows will be must-see material.

“We’ve been running for over 25 years,” he said. “With all those years comes experience and polish.

“We put on a really fun, exciting show and we’re hoping to get a big crowd out on both days.”

Both shows will take part in the Stampede’s Grandstand, both beginning at 7 p.m. Garwasiuk says the night will blend a good mix of motocross and snowmobile tricks.

“These guys are going to be doing the biggest and best tricks in the sport,” he said. “Backflips, cliffhangers, kiss of death – you name it, and you’ll see it.

“We have several X Games competitors and a two-time Canadian National Champion with us … There is so much talent on display.”

Garwasiuk says the shows are not just for hardcore motocross fans.

“This is a great way to spend time with the family,” he said. “Kids come out and have a blast, and it’s entertaining for parents, too.

“Anyone on the fence about this should give it a try – it’s really entertaining stuff.”

Turning 40 this year, Garwasiuk does not do as much performing as he used to. He spends a lot of his time producing shows from the sidelines, making sure everything goes as planned.

Now a father, Garwasiuk gets to watch on as his seven-year-old son Kruz takes the stage.

“It’s definitely special,” he said. “It’s a bit surreal to see him out there, and to be on the outside watching him.

“He’s the newest addition to our show, and we tell a bit of the story of the sport, and we help tell families how to get their kids into the sport.

“People think you get out there and just start hitting ramps, but it’s not like that. Having Kruz there helps us show people a bit of the progression.”

Like virtually every other performing act, Global FMX has been sitting idle, waiting to get back on their stage.

“It’s been a long time, but we’re ready to go,” said Garwasiuk. “With something like this, you can’t take time off – there can’t be any rust when you’re performing in a show like this.

“It’s life-or-death for our athletes, and they have been practising every day, waiting to get back out there.”

Garwasiuk says the team has been in the Hat before and always looks forward to the stop.

“Great crowds in Medicine Hat,” he said. “Everyone is on the edge of their seat and engaged with the show.

“We love it.”

Anyone looking for tickets can call the Stampede at 403-527-1234, or go to http://www.mhstampede.com.

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