February 11th, 2025

In Court: Local man gets four years for weapons and drug charges

By ALEX McCUAIG Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on June 18, 2021.


A city man was handed a four-year federal prison term after pleading guilty to weapons offices and drug trafficking charges Thursday at Medicine Hat Provincial Court.

The court heard police became aware that Harold Ray Flemming was trafficking drugs out of an Elm Street home in January 2020 and were able to obtain a search warrant for the premises.

That search turned up cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine as well as magic mushrooms, with a combined street value of over $6,000.

Flemming entered a guilty plea to possession for the purposes of trafficking on those charges.

But it was the weapons charge which garnered the largest portion of the four-year sentence, as this was Flemming’s first conviction on drug charges.

The court heard the Flemming had multiple weapons-related convictions with the search of the man’s home on the 2020 drug warrant turning up a sawed-off .22 semi-automatic rifle.

He received a 2.5-year sentence for possession of the restricted weapon and breaching a weapons possession prohibition he was under at the time of his arrest.

That came on top of the 1.5 year sentence for drug trafficking.

Charges against his co-accused were dropped following Flemming’s guilty plea.

Jail sentence for police chase

A city man received a nearly nine-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to evading police during a chase that saw speeds of 90 km/h reached along with driving across the Finlay Bridge that was closed for construction.

Brandon Alexander Aman, 27, was arrested in connection with the incident that took place just after midnight on Oct. 16, 2020 when police were called to investigate a possible impaired driver on Maple Avenue.

Police located the truck driven by Aman, who failed to stop for police and began a chase through the Flats neighbourhood.

Police called off the pursuit and Aman continued and crossed Finlay Bridge despite it being closed for repairs.

The truck was recovered in Riverside.

Aman was also fined for having no insurance.

In total, he received a 265-day jail sentence and one-year driving prohibition.

A few months in jail for petty crimes

A city man with a lengthy criminal record added to the list after pleading guilty to a number of criminal offences, receiving a 3.5-months custodial sentence.

The latest charges for Korey Theodore Maerkl, 30, were incurred starting in January 2020 when police were called to a possible break and enter by a resident of a home.

Maerkl was arrested at the scene of what turned out to be his former residence, pleading guilty to mischief.

February 2020 saw Maerkl arrested after police were called to investigate a man in several backyards checking doors. He was located by officers hiding under a boat trailer and pleaded guilty to criminal trespassing for that offence.

In August, police were called when the man pulled out a hammer during an altercation. He pleaded guilty to possessing a weapon for purposes dangerous.

In November, a woman called police to report a stolen wallet. Video surveillance from stores where bank cards were used to purchase $95 worth of merchandise showed Maerkl using them.

Maerkl also pled guilty to three counts of breaching his release conditions by breaking his curfew.

With time served in pre-trial custody, Maerkl has three days left to serve on his sentence.

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