By Medicine Hat News on December 3, 2020.
The local YMCA is providing childcare options for school-aged children. Money from the federal government’s COVID-19 emergency community support fund, administered by the United Way, will be used to offset the cost of licensed day camps until March 31. It can mean a savings of up to 60 per cent for families on PD days or school breaks for $20 per day. As a licensed day camp program, all public health precautions and guidelines will be strictly adhered to by staff who are trained early childhood educators. “We recognize that safe, affordable and high-quality childcare for school-aged children is essential, particular in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said CEO Sharon Hayward. “These licensed day camps provide the opportunity for parents and guardians to go to work knowing that their children are in a safe and fun program that offers recreation, skill development and physical activity while adhering to all public health regulations and guidelines.” Additional information or registration is available online: 7