December 11th, 2024

Fires from the west sending smoke this way, affecting local air quality

By Medicine Hat News on September 15, 2020.


Haze from fires on the west coast of North America that began appearing in Alberta on Sunday will push east toward Medicine Hat by Tuesday night, according to forecasts by Environment Canada.

Air quality statements for the extreme southwest of the province, including mountainous areas, Cardston and Magrath, were in place on Monday morning.

At the same time, hazy, overcast conditions appeared in Medicine Hat.

That changed the air-quality index rating in the Gas City from 1, or “low-risk” and ideal conditions at 9 a.m., to a 3 later in the day – still low.

However, forecast of 5 for Tuesday moves the index into “moderate risk” territory, and the point at which those with chronic lung or respiratory conditions should be more aware.

Anyone experiencing symptoms, like sore throat or coughing, should consider reducing strenuous outdoor activity, Environment Canada recommends.

A rating of 7-10 is considered “high risk,” a point at which the elderly and children should modify their behaviour, and value above 10 is considered very high risk.

The general forecast for Medicine Hat called for mixed sun and clouds to continue through the week. Daytime highs are generally predicted in the 20C range with no rain predicted until Saturday.

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