February 8th, 2025

As Alberta readies re-opening, what will it all look like?

By COLLIN GALLANT on May 9, 2020.


We’ve all heard the story about the boy who got caught smoking and was locked in a closest to finish a box of cigars before he was freed, supposedly cured of his desire for tobacco.

It’s more than a little dated, kind of absurd and most likely a crime, to be honest, but the premise still stands up and is all too present after six or seven weeks in the stir.

Just how people will react as they emerge from general house arrest and self-isolation remains to be seen, but a “relaunch” plan will open up some businesses this week.

It’s not a free for all, officials warn, and measures to limit the COVID-19 spread are still called for.

But some stuff will be open, like barbers and more retail outlets, and more people will be getting out.

So what will it be like?

We all had some high-minded thought about what to accomplish in these last eight weeks (can you believe it!?).

Did you? Or like the boy with the cigars, are you just plain sick to your stomach of being cooped up?

Have you been walking? Good. Lawns are looking great.

Time is running out to read a book, but at some point you’ve probably also reached your limit for channel surfing. Be honest.

You’ve likely grown weary of seeing how much fun it is to put vinegar through the coffee maker, or wiped the baseboards down to bare wood and watched enough paint dry.

Cooking, cleaning and taking care of yourself? Sorry, that’s life.

Hopefully you’ve also done some thinking about how to offer some support for local business, support for local charity and non-profit sector, and made up some plan to improve a personal situation, or at the very least figured out how to financially stay above water.

The clock is ticking.

Local giving

The Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society topped its special 40th anniversary fundraising goal of $300,000. That was launched before all of this, of course, and was supposed to run for a full year up until next September.

Donations of $150,000 were matched and will go into a fund to provide long-term stability to the operation of the shelter. Beyond those particulars, it shows that Hatters have a big heart in times of trouble.

It’s among a few encouraging developments as the coronavirus wears on and feeds worry about programs and agencies that seek to make Medicine Hat a better place or help residents get up when they get knocked down.

The Kinsmen made a major two-year commitment to the Medicine Hat Public Library on Friday, and a variety of local businesses and companies with local interests have fired off five-figure donations to the Medicine Hat food bank.

The province is currently matching money to the Community Foundation of Medicine Hat and the city could contribute $500,000 to the “Community Warmth” program that helps clear up utility bills that fall far behind.

It’s true that everyone is worried about money, but everyone has a few bucks rolling around, or a few expenses not being incurred during the pandemic. Why not pick your cause and make a donation?

A look ahead

Alberta’s “relaunch” plan ramps up this week, with Stage One allowing some retailers, personal services (like haircutting) and restaurants to open on May 14 with health protocols and limited capacity.

As well, campground bookings will open on Tuesday, with daycares and out-of-school care also opening up when health protocols are put in place.

Collin Gallant covers city politics and a variety of topics for the News. Reach him at 403-528-5664 or via email at cgallant@medicinehatnews.com

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