February 13th, 2025

Two cases linked to Costco but not considered an outbreak

By GILLIAN SLADE on May 6, 2020.


Alberta Health has confirmed there are two positive cases of COVID-19 linked to Costco in Medicine Hat.

“Health officials have taken swift action to protect the public and limit the spread. AHS has isolated the positive cases, is undertaking contact tracing, and currently investigating possible sources of transmission and any epidemiological links,” said Tom McMillan, assistant director of communications for Alberta Health.

McMillan says the situation at Costco is not considered an “outbreak” at this stage.

Active outbreaks are reported after two confirmed cases at an acute care facility or seniors’ residence but it is a little different at other locations.

“Outbreaks at other facilities may be declared if there is evidence of epidemiologically linked transmission of five or more COVID-19 cases with a common exposure such as attending the same facility, event, gathering community events, churches, dinner party or workplace,” said McMillan.

Outbreaks in the south zone are currently in the City of Brooks at Orchard manor seniors’ residence (seven cases) and Sunrise Gardens seniors’ residence (19 and four deaths). JBS Food Canada Inc. meat processing plant has had a few hundred cases confirmed and two deaths – one a JBS worker and another with links to the facility, and seven cases at the McDonald’s Restaurant.

There are a number of outbreaks in the Calgary zone including one announced this week at Purolator and Harmony Beef-Meat packing, Rocky View County.

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