February 7th, 2025

Six south zone deaths were all in Brooks, with four at seniors’ home

By GILLIAN SLADE on May 6, 2020.


As of Tuesday morning…

There have now been six deaths related to COVID-19 in the south zone with the majority linked to a seniors’ residence, and all in Brooks.

“There have been four deaths at AgeCare Sunrise Gardens,” said Tom McMillan, assistant director communications Alberta Health.

The other two deaths are also from Brooks with one being a worker at the JBS meat processing plant and the other in the community but with a link to JBS.

The first two deaths in Brooks were announced on April 22.

The outbreaks in Brooks have been identified by Alberta Health as Orchard Manor and Sunrise Gardens – both seniors’ residences – the JBS plant and at McDonald’s restaurant. Orchard Manor has a total of seven cases confirmed now, 19 at Sunrise Gardens and seven cases at McDonald’s.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Brook reached 998 on Monday and is expected to be more than 1,000 in Tuesday’s announcement by Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health. A total of 758 cases are till active while 235 people have already recovered.

It should be noted there are still no cases of CVOID-19 in seniors’ residences in Medicine Hat.

Alberta Health Services has stated that operators have been going above and beyond the requirements to minimize the risk. AHS also regularly meets with operators to ensure they are meeting the requirements, the medical officer of health recently stated.

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