February 7th, 2025

A message from the publisher

By Medicine Hat News on April 18, 2020.

Re: Publication changes

Dear Readers… no, Dear Friends,

I would like to think this message is finding you all well, healthy and looking forward to the days of a budding spring. Reading through these pages with your cup of morning coffee, learning something new about our city, our people, enjoying a chuckle while reading the funnies and yet, here we are. But where are we, friends?

We are in the middle of a new reality. We are in the middle of a pandemic.

With so much uncertainty, with daily reports on new cases of COVID-19, new measures to protect us, new restrictions, it is frightening, even downright scary. And you know what? It’s OK to be scared. It’s OK to not have the answers, it’s OK to cry, yell and even stamp your feet.

It is OK.

Why? Because we are human. We are not robots wired to do a job and when, at the end of the shift, power down. No we are a large group of more than 63,000 strong, each with an energy that will keep us going.

As in days past and in those to come, change will happen rapidly. Information will be pushed out to you at an alarming rate and we will be with you for every update, government briefing, for every story that needs to be told.

The Medicine Hat News will continue publishing a newspaper just as we did before anyone ever heard of the Coronavirus.

On the first day the News rolled off the press in 1885, we made a commitment to you our readers and advertisers and we are keeping that commitment.

You, the readers and advertisers, are what keeps us going. We would not be the Medicine Hat News if not for you. To every reader and every business that has supported us over the past 135 years, and continue to support us, I thank you. Each of you have helped shape and record the history of this magnificent city we all call home.

COVID-19 does not discriminate. It does not care if you are rich or homeless. It does not care what colour your skin is, the age at your last birthday, where or if you pray and whose name you marked an X beside at the last election

Now is not the time to be divided. Many have said it because it is true. The only way to get through this is using that energy we all possess and come together, while physically apart.

Like many businesses, COVID-19 has impacted our day-to-day operations. As businesses have temporarily closed their doors, advertising revenues have decreased, we have been forced to drastically reduce our expenses. I know we are not alone in having to carry out such measures to ensure our business continues to move forward.

We have had to make difficult decisions in these past weeks and now we have had to make another. In an effort to ensure long-term viability of the newspaper, we have made the difficult decision to suspend publishing a Monday edition of the Medicine Hat News. We know as dedicated readers and advertisers this is not something you want to be reading but rest assured we will continue on with the commitment we made to you so many years ago. We will continue to be there for every story, every business opening, every celebration and like now, times of global crisis.

If you are a current subscriber, we will be adding the lost days to the end of your current subscription. If you are not a subscriber, we encourage you to become one through print or digital delivery. You can subscribe online at medicinehatnews.com or by phoning 403-528-5767.

We need your support. Local newspapers are more important than ever. We are your trusted and professional source of local news. The team of journalists at the Medicine Hat News is dedicated to bringing you accurate news in every edition.

As the days go on, we encourage you to connect with us. Our phones will be answered, your stories will be told, your advertising will be featured and your newspapers will be delivered.

For us, like many others, it is business as usual with twist.

So friends, as you are reading this, remember that we are stronger together.

Kerri Sandford

Publisher Medicine Hat News

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Les Landry
Les Landry
4 years ago

I thought you shut it down yesterday with only one article.
We haven’t had a “letter to the editor” since April 1st and it’s not for lack of submissions.
We haven’t had a “Ticked off and Tickled Pink” for over a month.
But what really pee’d me off was when I commented on an article and it was deleted as spam.
Maybe if you want to start censoring the comment section, you can start with the one that attacks everyone under the cloak of anonymity.
I was commenting on the article about the new policy about COVID-19 testing and my comment was deleted as “spam” and at least I sign my name to my comments and yet you let a “troll” to continue attacking people for no reason other than he/she/it doesn’t agree with with someone. It’s to the point of where people don’t even want to have an “adult discussion” based on principle and not personality.
But, it’s OK, your paper deleted my comment and I wonder if this one will be deleted next.