December 12th, 2024

City closes outdoor play areas

By Medicine Hat News on April 11, 2020.

Medicine Hat News

The City of Medicine Hat has closed all outdoor play structures in parks and school playgrounds, effective immediately.

“There has been a lot of confusion in the community related to mass gatherings and the use of outdoor spaces,” Merrick Brown, director of emergency management, said in a statement. “As preventative measures continue to evolve we’ve found the community responds well to clear and concise approaches. In light of this, we have opted to remove all ambiguity and make these spaces off limits.”

The directive includes outdoor play structures in both city parks and school grounds, skate parks, skate spots and fitness parks. Signage will be posted on public spaces throughout the community. Public parks and trails remain open to Hatters as long as two-metre physical distancing is practised.

“We are confident the community will make responsible choices and follow these restrictions to help mitigate virus transmission,” said Brown. “Medicine Hat Police Service is able to issue tickets to those who don’t comply but we don’t expect that will be necessary.”

To report a breach of the Public Health Orders pertaining to individuals, contact the MHPS non-emergency line at 403-529-8481, or file a complaint using the MHPS mobile app, via Crime Tips.

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