February 7th, 2025

Councils adapt by streaming

By Medicine Hat News on April 8, 2020.

Local governments across Alberta are conducting business online – broadcasting meetings by video streaming as audiences and even reporters are barred in light of restrictions on the size of public gatherings.

Medicine Hat city council held its first regularly scheduled meeting Monday since pandemic protocols were instituted in late March.

Tuesday, Cypress County’s elected representatives were to meet in Dunmore, but also by teleconference, and the proceedings was to be broadcast on the county’s website (cypress.ab.ca) or the county Facebook page while the public is prohibited from the facility.

“Cypress County is endeavouring to continue business as usual by utilizing different online meeting platforms with ensuring social distancing and other recommendations,” said chief administrator Tarolyn Aaserud.

The town of Redcliff’s next council meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, April 13, and staff are working on a similar approach of providing a video feed on the town website.

“Once the provincial recommendations relax and town hall opens up to the public again we will go back to business as usual,” said acting town manager Derrin Thibault.

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