February 10th, 2025

Non-emergency dental procedures will stop

By Medicine Hat News on March 18, 2020.

The parking lot at Courtyard Dental offices in downtown Medicine Hat is nearly empty on Tuesday afternoon. Earlier in the day the body governing dental practice in the province announced it would join Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia in cancelling all non-emergency procedures across Alberta to help stem the spread of COVID-19.--NEWS PHOTO COLLIN GALLANT

Dental offices across the province will be closed to all non-emergency procedures, including cleanings and most fillings, local offices are telling Hatters.

The Alberta Dental Association and College gave the order mid-day Tuesday as a measure two help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Local offices began calling patients that afternoon to postpone procedures “for the foreseeable future.”

They will remain operating however, and are required to accept phone calls related to patient care. 

According to the statement, emergency procedures – such as in the case of severe trauma or worsening infection – could still be accommodated, but dentists will triage patients via phone consultation. The public is not to visit clinics without first speaking to staff.

“Patient and staff safety are our top priority,” reads a letter from the dentists at Courtyard dental to clients. “Court yard dental will resume normal operations as soon as our dental governing bodies and health authorities deem it safe for patients and staff.”

The nature of dental care presents a particular risk of transmission for the respiratory illness that has caused widespread shutdown of schools, travel and social activities. 

Alberta joined Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia by invoking the measures.

Local office managers said that health and hygiene is the top priority for the profession, and all offices would have had extra precautionary measures in place.

“We had been making decisions on a two-week basis, but now all appointments are cancelled,” said Andrea Pillman, the office manager at courtyard dental. 

She said that local clinics are well stocked with items such as protective gear like gloves and masks.

Also on Tuesday, Alberta Health Services announced that elective procedures would be rescheduled to reduce interaction at health facilities as staff and resources are mustered toward addressing the pandemic.

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4 years ago

Well, if you are unknown how to find the best dental clinic to get good treatment for your teeth then I’ll suggest for nhp dentist. As they are so experienced with their dental care also I regularly try to visit there for my dental check-up. Again when my corner teeth became damaged at that time I thought I have to lose my teeth by they treat wonderfully and after washing my teeth properly they gave me one special cap for my teeth.