February 6th, 2025

Mental health management tips

By Medicine Hat News on March 18, 2020.

The Palliser Primary Care Network has provided some tips for managing mental health under the new self-isolation regime.

The practice of physically isolating from each other runs counter to the usual norms for enhancing mental health, says Palliser executive director Treena Klassen.

“Lots of times, some of the things we recommend for people to stay mentally healthy are based on the fact that humans tend to be gregarious beings, who want to get out among each other and engaging in social activity,” she said.

The inability to do that can be taxing one one’s psyche, especially when combined with concern for the well-being of oneself and loved ones, Klassen added.

The Network’s advice is:

— Establish a routine to find a sense of purpose.

— Physical activity for naturally boosting mood and self-esteem.

— Eat healthy, limiting the amount of high sugar food and replacing it with high nutrient food – fruits, nuts, vegetables.

— Limiting alcohol consumption to 10 servings per week, with no more than two a day, for women and 15 servings per week, with no more than three a day for men.

— Staying in touch with loved ones through social media, text, video chats or email to support each other.

— Write a list of activities you enjoy and fit them into the routine.

— Balance activities with a combination of online and offline.

— Limit consumption of negative news.

— Get good rest.

— Consult online stress reduction resources, like from Help Guide, Canadian Mental Health Association and Alberta Health Services.

There’s a 24-hour mental health help line for those who feel unable to manage during this tumultuous time, which can be reached at 1-877-303-2642.

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