December 13th, 2024

Children’s Wish/Make a Wish working to get young Hatter a home on wheels

By MO CRANKER on March 9, 2020.

Children's Wish Foundation chairperson Donna Serr sits with Laura Berreth and her kids Cahleb and Dyhlan Liggs. Cahleb is having his wish granted by Children's Wish. The organization celebrates March as Children's Wish month.

Children’s Wish/Make a Wish is hosting events this month to help make one young Hatter’s dream come true.

Cahleb Liggs was born with congenital panhypopituitarism and has had quite the journey through the first six years of his life.

“I like to say that he was evicted at 36 weeks,” said Laura Berreth, his mother. “He was my first pregnancy and we thought it was all normal, but near the end we realized he needed to be evicted.

“He had jaundice and we thought he might have had an infection, so they started treating him for one.”

Liggs spent more than a month in three different hospitals, including Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Vancouver.

“Once we got to Vancouver, it still took about seven days before we realized he had this rare condition,” said Berreth. “As soon as they gave him the hormone supplements that this condition needs, he did a full 180.

“He was thriving, his colour was changing and he was turning things around.”

Liggs is adrenaline insufficient, meaning he does not produce the stress hormone. He is also blind, but that doesn’t stop him for being curious.

“If he gets a fever, his body doesn’t produce anything to fight it,” she said. “We have to give him something to help his system out.

“He loves meeting people and he’s just so happy.”

Liggs’ wish is to have a house on wheels, and Children’s Wish/Make a Wish is making it come true. Berreth says the family is looking forward to having a portable living space to take on the road.

“We’ll definitely go visit family in B.C.,” she said. “Even locally, we can have a weekend away as a family.

“Cahleb loves nature and I can’t wait to take trips as a family.”

During March all McDonald’s locations will be selling Wish Clouds for $2. Dr. Roy Wilson School and Ecole St. John Paul will be hosting Walk for Wishes events.

Anyone looking to donate can call Donna Serr at 403-526-1676.

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