December 15th, 2024

Rural municipality could be shrinking council size by one

By Medicine Hat News on March 4, 2020.

The RM of Big Stick’s council could be getting smaller.

The rural municipality in southeast Saskatchewan has petitioned the provincial government to amend its election divisions by blending two southernmost districts into one.

Discussions will take place today at the municipality’s regular council meeting in Golden Prairie for residents of the RM.

Division No. 2 would be eliminated and the area blended into the current Division No. 1, according to public notices.

Stated reasons are the diminishing population, an open call for nominations for the vacant council seat garners no interest, and the relative small amount of public roads in the division.

Feeder co-op dissolves

The Dryland Feeders Cooperative, of Leader will be dissolved following a decision last month by the co-op board, reports from the Alberta Newspaper Group state.

That action was accepted by the provincial registrar of co-ops on Feb. 7. Any party with outstanding business with the co-op is to contact PM Accounting Services, of Leader.

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