March 2nd, 2025

MHPS: ‘Suspicious package’ at CHHS was not explosive

By medicinehatnews on May 22, 2019.

Police respond after a "suspicious package" was reported at Crescent Heights High School on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

Medicine Hat police have determined the “suspicious package” found in the parking lot at Crescent Heights High School on Tuesday was not explosive.

Police provided the update on Wednesday morning, and further stated the device was not capable of causing harm. What the device actually was has not yet been revealed, as the incident remains under investigation. Police have determined the origin of the device and continue to investigate the intent of its placement but don’t believe there are any safety concerns for the community.

Crescent Heights High School was put in a shelter-in-place Tuesday morning after the “suspicious package” was found.

The precautionary measure – where all entrances to a building are locked and the people inside are confined to secure areas — was implemented at 9:34 a.m. and lifted by 11:31 a.m., when the package was rendered inoperable by the Explosives Disposal Unit.

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