December 12th, 2024

Cars and Guitars takes over the Hat

By Mo Cranker on August 20, 2018.


Classic cars and rock music took over the Hat this weekend during the third annual Cars and Guitars Festival.

The event had a number of things to do Friday, Saturday and Sunday — all revolving around the theme of Cars and Guitars.

“It’s been going great so far,” said organizer Kelli Ireland. “The number of registrants are up from last year and we’ve seen a ton of people at the events so far.

“This is our first year having everything outside here at the Canalta Centre and you never know how people are going to take to new concepts — it’s been amazing.”

Things kicked off Friday with a Classic Car Cruise through the city’s downtown, then people drove to the Canalta Centre for the first of two evening shows on the weekend.

“It’s the first time we’ve had the cruise through downtown and we weren’t really sure what to expect,” said Ireland. “We had a great turnout of cars and a great turnout of people who wanted to stop and watch them go by.

“During the cruise and now (Saturday) at the car show, there’s been a great mix of cars people can come out and see. There’s lots of old and lots of new.”

Ireland says people came to the Hat from all over to take part, or look on during Cars and Guitars.

“We’ve registered people from all over Alberta and Saskatchewan,” she said. “People who love cars as their passion, they’re always willing to travel for events like this.

“I think we’ve created a really unique event that people are starting to look forward to inside and outside of the city.”

Ireland said the event will be coming back next year.

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