December 14th, 2024

Hat High fine arts showcase aims to start a new tradition

By Tim Kalinowski on January 18, 2018.

Hat High drama teacher Richard Grafton and art teacher Jeremy Koutsky were excited about the school's first annual MHHS Fine Arts Student Showcase, held Wednesday evening at the school.--NEWS PHOTO TIM KALINOWSKI

Medicine Hat High School welcomed parents, family members and the public to a showcase of the fine arts Wednesday evening in the school’s theatre.

Featuring dance, music, original artworks and dramatic performance, senior students had an opportunity to show off what they have been up to in terms of creative projects for much of the past semester. This was the first of what organizers hoped would be many showcases to come at Hat High.

“We’re hoping it becomes more of an annual thing we do in the middle of January going forward,” explained MHHS fine arts teacher Jeremy Koutsky, who was one of the co-organizers of the event alongside colleagues Athena Crowley, who teaches dance, drama teacher Richard Grafton and arts instructor Allison Knodel. “It’s kind of informal at the moment but we thought, ‘let’s do it, learn from it and go ahead and do something more elaborate as we move down the road.'”

Koutsky felt the showcase was something his students could get a lot out of as they learn more about the arts.

“We wanted a way to promote fine arts,” he stated. “There is so much good stuff that happens in this school that people don’t really know it about. We are hoping to showcase it. And the students love seeing their work displayed in an informal setting, or getting to perform something and have an audience. I think it brings out the best in them.”

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