March 6th, 2025

New PRSD trustees get right down to work

By Tim Kalinowski on March 14, 2017.

NEWS PHOTO TIM KALINOWSKI Trustee Lucille Hertz takes the oath of office from PRSD Secretary/Treasurer Ryan Boser at the Tuesday, March 14, public meeting. New trustees Lois Bedwell and Pam Cursons, who also took the oath on Tuesday, look on in the background. @MHNTimKal

Newly elected and acclaimed Prairie Rose School Division board trustees Pamela Cursons, Lois Bedwell and Lucille Hertz took the oath of office at the PRSD board meeting on Tuesday.

The three trustees stood before secretary/treasurer Ryan Boser, raised their hands and took the oath “to faithfully serve” before signing the formal paperwork to assume the full  powers and privileges of their position. The three then sat down to the public meeting to vote on their first major issues: Approval of PRSD’s three-year capital plan and the appointment of auditors for the school division budget. Both were unanimously adopted by all trustees.

The votes were the first time the PRSD board has been a full strength since the spring of 2015. Thornier issues lay ahead, such the New Brigden School closure vote now scheduled for April 11, but for the first day on the job the agenda was a fairly easy one for Cursons, Bedwell and Hertz.

After the meeting concluded, the News briefly spoke with trustee Lucille Hertz to get her first impressions of her new position and the election success she enjoyed. Hertz won 293 votes in the recent byelection in Ward 1, the most of any candidate.

“It’s certainly a new experience,” said Hertz. “And I am looking forward to what’s to come. We had a really good turnout (in the byelection), and it was nice to see that. All of the candidates had been in the area a long time and we’re homegrown. I am not sure what it was that led to my election, but I am so happy the voters put their confidence in Lois and I. We’ll move forward from here, and we’re really looking forward to it.”

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